Foreign Affairs

Official: Baku embassy attack on agenda with interaction

Tehran, IRNA – Prosecutor general of Iran Mohammad-Jaafar Montazeri said that since the beginning of the Baku embassy attack, the investigations were put on the agenda, and through diplomacy and interaction and bilateral cooperation approach, the issue was investigated step by step.

Speaking in a phone call with his Azeri counterpart, Montazeri said that Iran started probing the issue since the beginning of the incident.

He stressed the continuation of judicial cooperation between the two friendly and neighboring countries and expressed hope that judicial and political understanding and cooperation would lead to the development a deep bond between the two nations.

Meanwhile, Kamran Aliev, Prosecutor General of the Republic of Azerbaijan appreciated Iran’s diplomatic and judicial efforts and emphasized the continuation of bilateral cooperation.

Such incidents should not be allowed to cause the loss of opportunities for bilateral interactions, he added.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA