
Official: Details of Iran-Armenia agreement on construction of new transit roads

Tehran, IRNA – Deputy roads and urban development minister said on Wednesday that Iran has reached agreement with Armenia on construction of new transit roads which will be asphalted within a month, that will make Iran needless of using the previous route and paying tolls to Azerbaijan Republic.

Kheirollah Khademi told IRNA after his visit of Armenia to survey the condition of the road connecting the Iranian border city Noorduzdar and Yerevan, Armenia: “I had very fruitful meetings with Armenian officials, including the infrastructures minister of that country and his deputies.

“In order to decide about the new routes very good proposals with defined time schedule was arranged so that the difficulties with which the Iranian trucks are faced now within the current 21 kilometers will be resolved,” he said.

Khademi said that in the visit while surveying the road under construction to replace the current 21 kilometers by the Armenian Infrastructures Ministry, which is almost complete, we announced that Iran is ready assist to expedite the completion of that road.

He said that the Guris to Qapan 21 kilometer road within Azerbaijan Republic territory is where the Iranian truck drivers are faced with problems since the Azerbaijani officials are asking them for extra taxes that we are opposed to.

The deputy roads and urban development minister said that the connection route from Iran to Noorduz border city and from there to Yerevan, Armenia that helps us reach Georgia’s borders and the Caucasus region is an important regional strategic corridor, which needs to be kept open between Iran and Armenia.

Iran can thus in cooperation with Armenia and completing the Tatev Road, easily and needles of passing through the Azerbaijan Republic territory reach Armenian and get connected to Europe form there.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA