
Official says Iran successfully expanded trade with Armenia

Tehran, IRNA – Head of Iran’s Trade Promotion Organization (TPO) said that Iran has been succeeded in expanding trade ties with Armenia, as 2.3 billion dollars of technical services were exported to the South Caucasian state last year.

Armenia, as a member of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), is a target for expansion of foreign trade in the 13th administration in Iran, Alireza Peymanpak told reporters on Monday.

Peymanpak who serves also as the Deputy Minister of Industry, Minding and Trade said that Tehran and Yerevan agreed to bolster ties in such spheres as industry, mining, joint industrial towns, exporting technical services, and cooperation for expanding trade ties with third countries during the visit made by Iran’s IMT minister to Armenia.

President Ebrahim Raisi’s administration is pursuing expansion of target markets for Iran’s economy, the official said, expressing hope that technical services exports would reach the previous ATH of 8 billion dollars.

Before he appeared in front of reporters, Peymanpak attended Iran-Armenia joint workgroup meeting, during which he said that Tehran and Yerevan had concluded agreements on creating construction materials and food supply chains in cooperation with Russia, monetary and banking, mining, exporting, and road construction that will be signed in the coming weeks.

He said that Iranian construction companies have participated in the invitation to tender for constructing the Sisian road in Armenia which would connect Iran to Russia via Georgia.

Armenia’s deputy economy minister who partook the meeting said that Iran and Armenia had 245 million dollars of barter during the last five months, but this wasn’t satisfying and the countries were considering customs costs.

He welcomed Iranian companies’ presence in constructing Sisian road and said that Armenia was ready to use Iranian ports on the Caspian Sea to transports its goods to Russia.



Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA