Foreign Affairs

OIC acclaims UNHRC resolutions supporting Palestine

JEDDAH, The Organization of Islamic Cooperation has acclaimed the resolutions taken by the UN Human Rights Council regarding Palestine and lauded states that had voted in favor of the decisions affirming that this stand mirrors international unanimity in support of the Palestinian people’s rights.

The OIC in a statement late on Friday indicated that the resolutions depicted rejection of the continuing crimes perpetrated by the Israeli occupation forces including the military operations, the systematic terrorism, the colonial settlements’ construction, the racial cleansing and the genocides, executed against the Palestinian people.

It affirmed the necessity of executing the council’s resolutions immediately, urged the international community to shoulder its responsibility and take practical steps to stop the Israeli crimes, ensure accountability, exact justice and secure protection of the Palestinian people.

The UNHRC in a session on Friday issued resolutions affirming the Palestinian people’s rights to sel
f-determination and establishing an independent state.

Source: Kuwait News Agency