
OIC Condemns Attack on UNRWA HQ in Occupied Jerusalem

Jeddah, The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) strongly condemns the barbaric attack carried out by extremist Israeli settlers on the headquarters of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in occupied Al-Quds (Jerusalem).

The OIC considers this attack as an extension of organized terrorism and part of the ongoing Israeli crimes perpetrated by the Israeli occupation forces and extremist settlers in the occupied Palestinian territory.

The OIC states that this heinous attack is part of attempts by the Israeli occupation to undermine the role of UNRWA, tarnish its image, and disrupt its financial resources.

The organization highlighted the destruction of over 160 UNRWA facilities and the killing of 188 of the agency’s employees since the start of the Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip.

The OIC underscores that these actions flagrantly violate international humanitarian law and relevant United Nations resolutions.

The OIC holds Israel, as the occupy
ing force, fully responsible for the continuation of these crimes against the Palestinian people, UN agencies, and humanitarian and relief workers.

The organization calls upon the international community, particularly the United Nations Security Council, to fulfill its responsibilities in putting an end to these repeated violations and crimes, and to provide global protection for the Palestinian people.

Source: Saudi Press Agency