Foreign Affairs

OIC Delegation Attends Kazan Global Youth Summit, Is Received by Tatarstan President

Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov received today Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian, Cultural and Social Affairs of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Tariq Ali Bakheet and the accompanying delegation who are participating in the 3rd Kazan Global Youth Summit, held in Kazan between August 21 and 24.

Bakheet conveyed OIC Secretary-General Hissein Brahim Taha’s regards and gratitude to Minnikhanov and his administration for organizing the summit, for empowering the youth, for promoting sports, and for the development initiatives taken by Tatarstan.

The meeting reviewed joint efforts to deal with youths’ issues.

Bakheet gave an overview of OIC’s efforts and the initiatives launched by its organs and institutions to aid member states empower the youth in different domains, in line with OIC’s overall strategy.

Source: Saudi Press Agency