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Oman, Iran kick off negotiations on banking coop

Tehran, IRNA – Governor of the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) Ali Salehabadi and CEO of the Central Bank of Oman (CBO) Taher bin Salem al Omari have started talks on banking issues.

Al Omari arrived in capital Tehran on Wednesday afternoon to hold talks on development of banking ties with the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The Omani and Iranian sides discuss the expansion of banking interactions at bilateral and international levels.

Oman has played a key role as a mediator in negotiations for lifting of anti-Iran sanctions and unfreezing of Iranian assets in other countries.

In the meeting, Salehabadi underlined the need for expansion of banking cooperation, saying that the two countries enjoy good capacity to improve cooperation at mutual and international level.

The Omani official, for his part, described the bilateral interactions as very good, emphasizing that his country is ready to expand banking and international collaborations with the Islamic Republic of Iran.


Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA