
On its 93rd National Day…Saudi Arabia has decades of development and prosperity

Today, Saturday (September 23, 2023), the leadership and people of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia celebrate the XNUMXrd National Day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The people of Saudi Arabia and those residing in its land today remember this national occasion while they are enjoying its prosperity, enjoying its growth, proud of its magnificence, proud of its achievements, and aspiring to a future that fulfills their dreams and charts a path with steady steps for successive generations, under the shadow of a wise leadership that took the nation to the ranks of developed countries, and harnessed all… Ways for the comfort of citizens and residents, so that they can live in dignity, pride, peace and security.

What the Kingdom is experiencing today is an extension of a history made by a great man, who had the credit after God Almighty in establishing a state based on the law of God, whose banner was monotheism, whose constitution was the Book of God, and the Sunnah of His Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, enjoying security, safety and stability, whose goal was to build a civilized state with An effective force at the local and international levels.

His righteous sons after him completed the journey, and today we reach our prosperous era under the shadow of the leader of our journey, the protector of our country, and the source of our pride, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and His Highness, his faithful and illiterate Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman.

In this report, SPA recalls the biography of the leader, King Abdulaziz bin Abdulrahman Al-Faisal Al Saud, who spent his life facing the challenges of life in the Arabian Peninsula, which was suffering more than eight decades ago under the weight of strife, fear, panic, and poverty, to establish, thanks to God Almighty, a young state. She enjoys security, reassurance, and abundant goods, and the world respects and appreciates her.

A jihadist epic took shape on the land of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in which King Abdulaziz – may God have mercy on him – was able to unite the hearts and minds of his countrymen towards a promising and noble goal. With God’s grace and the wisdom God bestowed upon him, King Abdulaziz reached the establishment of solid rules and foundations for a proud homeland that led him to spread justice and security. He spent his years doing this.

On September 23, 1932 AD, the historic announcement of King Abdulaziz bin Abdulrahman Al Saud – may God have mercy on him – came to unify our blessed country under the banner of “There is no god but God, Muhammad is the Messenger of God” and to name it the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia after a jihad and struggle that lasted thirty-two years during which it was established. Firm foundations for this great structure, based on the guidance of the Noble Book of God and the Sunnah of the Faithful Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, following the path of his predecessors from the House of Saud.

At that time, a young state emerged that was proud of the application of Islamic law, and resounded with its tolerant teachings and human values in all parts of the world, spreading peace, goodness, and blessed advocacy, searching for knowledge and development, and moving steadily towards a better future for its people, the Islamic nation, and the entire world.

According to what was stated in the volume “The Biography and Personality of King Abdulaziz and the Stages of Building the Third Saudi State” – printed by King Abdulaziz House -, the founding king was born in the city of Riyadh in 1293 AH and grew up there, and he learned from its scholars, as Riyadh is a historical extension of the path of our fathers and grandfathers.

Out of concern for his upbringing and education, his father, Imam Abdul Rahman bin Faisal Al Saud, entrusted him to Judge Abdullah Al Kharji to teach him the Holy Qur’an, reading, and writing when he was seven years old. At the age of ten, he received his studies in jurisprudence and monotheism at the hands of Sheikh Abdullah bin Abdul Latif Al Sheikh, and in parallel with that. King Abdulaziz was learning horse riding and equestrian skills.

The personality of King Abdulaziz was greatly influenced by the personality of his father, Imam Abdul Rahman Al-Faisal, as he was a father, teacher, brother, and friend to his son, in addition to the personality of his mother, Princess Sarah Al-Sudairi, who was one of the most complete women in mind and management, and he loved his brothers (Khaled, Faisal, Fahd, Muhammad, and Noura), but his relationship with the princess Noura – may God have mercy on her – was more intimate, and occupied a great place in his soul, to the point that he would gloat about her by saying: “I am Noura’s brother, I am the brother of Al-Anwar,” and he made sure to visit her daily in her home.

King Abdulaziz had a strong, captivating and majestic personality that affected everyone who met him, and a bright, smiling image with joyful secrets, as he was known for his soft-sidedness, humility, and joy, and his lack of affectation in talking to his people and subjects, in addition to his generosity and generosity with everyone. He was not only a king, but he was a Lord. A family man, a lover of everyone, and a role model in his actions and behaviour.

King Abdulaziz was known for his great respect for scholars throughout his life. He would introduce them to his brothers in his council and listen to them. The reason for this was his complete belief in the value of science and scholars and their impact on life, and that respecting them, having a good relationship with them, and seeking their opinions is a duty dictated by the Islamic faith, the method of which he continued to apply in his private life. And public life in the country, and his descendants, the righteous kings, continued that approach after him.

King Abdulaziz went through multiple events and milestones in his life that were influential in building his unique personality, especially since he reached the age of fifteen. These events contributed to refining his personality and taught him patience, strength, and courage.

Historians considered the departure of King Abdulaziz, with his father, Imam Abdul Rahman, and some members of his family from Riyadh in 1308 AH, the most difficult event in his life. Their first stop after Riyadh was the “Yabrin” oasis in Al-Ahsa, then Bahrain, until they later arrived in Kuwait and settled there for several years, where King Abdulaziz remained. Heart hanging in Riyadh.

The founding king took “Yabrin” as his headquarters to implement his plan to restore Riyadh, which is one of the Al-Ahsa oases along the sands of the Empty Quarter in the north.

When King Abdulaziz reached his twenties while in Kuwait, he headed to Riyadh on the fifth of Ramadan in the year 1319 AH on a heroic journey, the journey of which he led in the company of his men, so that they could, thanks to God Almighty, penetrate the depths of the desert whose sands were burning under the rays of the hot sun, fasting Ramadan for their Lord, before He came. On the day of Eid, they were in a location called “Abu Jifan.”

On the fourth day of the month of Shawwal of the year 1319 AH, King Abdulaziz and his men arrived at “Al-Shuqayb District,” which is about an hour and a half away from the city of Riyadh, on foot. From the district, they advanced to Riyadh, which King Abdulaziz entered with the intelligence of a seasoned leader and restored things to their proper order after a heroic operation. The intense heat did not last long, during which King Abdulaziz ended the era of the bygone era in Riyadh, declaring the beginning of the prosperous era in Najd after the people and notables of Riyadh pledged allegiance to him in the year 1320 AH as Emir of Najd and Imam of its people, after Friday prayers in the courtyard of the Grand Mosque in Riyadh, and political stability came to power in The city of Riyadh after years of turmoil, and unity of government was one of the most important factors that paved the way for Riyadh to enter a new phase of growth and cultural prosperity.

King Abdulaziz Al Saud – may God have mercy on him – was able, thanks to God Almighty, through a long journey in which he spent a lot of time walking and thinking, to bring together the country’s diaspora, restore security, and confront the chaos that was prevailing in the Arabian Peninsula at that time. With the love of the people, he became the king of a state that he watched over its construction and created its system until it became It has honorable positions with the Islamic and Arab nations and the entire world.

King Abdulaziz was interested in developing the country, so he issued a royal decree to change the name of the state from (the Kingdom of Hijaz and Najd and its annexes) to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on Jumada al-Awwal 21, 1351 AH, corresponding to September 23, 1932 AD.

At the beginning of the organization of the state, King Abdulaziz directed attention to the Two Holy Mosques and their expansion, and serving the pilgrims and Umrah pilgrims, in addition to starting to open schools, establishing hospitals, building villages, rehabilitating the soil, settling the desert, and exploring for irrigation water in order to support agriculture. However, these efforts required Save money to implement it.

In line with the desire to advance the country, in the fall of 1933 AD, oil exploration operations began in some of the Kingdom’s lands, but four lean years passed and its work did not yield a satisfactory positive result for the discovery of oil reservoirs, until the experts decided to explore around a water well in an area called “Ain Jatt” was where King Abdulaziz had stopped in 1319 AH on his way from Kuwait to Riyadh. The surprise was the presence of oil at a depth of 5 feet underground.

The desert land was revived with the release of black gold, which transformed the barren desert, sociable with the blowing winds, into a city crowded with workers, engineers, and oil experts.

In 1939 AD, the first signs of oil were pumped in a ceremony witnessed by King Abdulaziz, after which the state projects that he had planned began.

King Abdulaziz’s interest in external affairs was the same as his interest in internal affairs, as he dealt with all countries of the world with high-level diplomacy, taking into account the independence of the Kingdom in its decision and choosing the nature of its relations with countries without prejudice to its religious, civilizational and cultural status, which is what made him loved by various leaders of countries around the world, and he became The talk of the Arab, regional and international media at that time.

In the month of Muharram of the year 1373 AH, the knight King Abdulaziz dismounted from his horse after his illness became severe during his stay in Taif, and at the dawn of the second of the month of Rabi’ al-Awwal of the year 1373 AH corresponding to November 9, 1953 AD, his soul flowed to its source.

King Abdulaziz died after embarking on a long journey in which he experienced the greatest events and faced the greatest challenges, but he left for the generations after him a great legacy in which everyone can be happy in the arms of a state that was founded on monotheism to remain in continuous growth, security, goodness and peace until the present time.

The body of King Abdulaziz bin Abdulrahman Al Saud was buried in the Al Oud Cemetery in the center of Riyadh.

King Abdulaziz bin Abdulrahman Al Saud was interested in collecting scientific literature during his life, despite his preoccupation with the state-building phase at that time. He was passionate about reading Arabic books related to various sciences, especially Sharia sciences, and printing most of them at his expense, and distributing them for free to benefit from them, so that 1468 are currently monitored. A rare volume in his private library.

The books and periodicals of the King Abdulaziz Private Library, located at its headquarters in the King Abdulaziz Palace in Riyadh, cover rare and distinguished knowledge in the fields of Islamic sciences, translations, geography, Islamic and general history, and the Arabic language and literature, arranged according to a digital indexing that makes it easier for researchers and students to have the trouble of searching in the scientific, intellectual, and Islamic fields.

The library is considered an important source of modern history in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, especially with regard to the relationship of King Abdulaziz – may God have mercy on him – with science and knowledge. Its books also carry within its folds and covers historical phrases and evidence written by many well-known historians and authors in the Arab and Islamic worlds at that time.

During his life, King Abdul Aziz – may God have mercy on him – was keen to publish, print and distribute books to people in general and to students of knowledge in particular inside and outside the Kingdom. He also helped some authors to continue his scientific activity by purchasing many copies of printed books and distributing them at his own expense.

The books that he ordered to be printed during his lifetime specialized in works of doctrine, interpretation, and jurisprudence by notable predecessors, such as: Sheikh Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, his student Ibn al-Qayyim, and Sheikh Ibn Qadamah al-Maqdisi, and among them were the books “Al-Mughni” and “Al-Sharh Al-Kabir.” The books that were printed also included Specializations in Arabic language and literature, Islamic history, and geography.

These published works were printed in several printing presses, including: Al-Mustafawi Press in Bombay, India, the Qur’an and Sunnah Press in Amritsad, India, Al-Manar and Al-Nahda Press in Egypt, the Moderation and Tarqa Press in Damascus, the Salafi Press in Mecca and Cairo, and Umm Al-Qura Press in Mecca.

This beautiful history takes us to live the meanings of the strength of the man, the builder, the founder, King Abdulaziz, and his men, who – despite their small number and equipment – set out from Riyadh with that sincere faith in jihad until God united the ranks and laid the foundations of truth, justice, security, and security so that hearts would be united in the Book of God and the Sunnah of His Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. Peace be upon him, as well as all parts of the country, as those efforts brought security, safety, and stability, and society transformed from warring tribes into a united and stable people following the guidance of the Qur’an and Sunnah.

Based on the orthodox Islamic approach, he called for Arab cooperation and Islamic solidarity and made a distinguished contribution to the establishment of the League of Arab States, and to the United Nations as a founding member. History also recorded his notable positions in many global events and regional and international issues.

In his dealings with his citizens, King Abdulaziz bin Abdulrahman Al Saud has adopted a policy based on consultation and consultation with the subjects, and seizing opportunities to exchange opinions and advice, guided by what our true Islamic religion has brought.

This righteous approach followed by King Abdulaziz and followed by his sons after him had a great impact on the great development that the Kingdom is experiencing, based on the solidarity of the state and citizens.

King Abdulaziz realized with his keen insight that cohesion and communication between the leadership and the people and the open-door policy are among the best and most effective ways to serve the nation and the citizens and for the progress and advancement of the country. Riyadh, he said: “The purpose of our meeting tonight is for us to advise each other, cooperate, and learn from each other what the other has on the one hand, and on the other hand, to bid you farewell, because we are on a travel wing and we will leave this country soon, and it is a shame for us to leave, but the interest dictates these movements. Then there is an issue that I would like to explain to you because I have something in myself… I do not like to make people difficult, but my duty is to be frank with you… We are in dire need of meeting and communicating with you so that you are fully aware of what we have and we are fully aware of what you have, and I would like this communication to take place directly and in my session so that you can carry it to us. The demands and desires of our people, and convey to the people our actions and intentions. I would like my contact with the people to always be close because this is more likely to implement the people’s desires. Therefore, my council will be open to the presence of whoever wants to attend.”

Continuing his generous approach in advising the parish and explaining its money and what it owes, he said in the speech he delivered at the honorary ceremony held in his honor on the occasion of his travel to Riyadh on the second of Safar 1355 AH: “The people have duties and those in charge have duties… As for the duties of the people, they are integrity.” And taking into account what pleases God and His Messenger and improves their condition, and harmony and cooperation with their government to work in what will advance their country and their nation… Serving the people is obligatory for us. Therefore, we serve them with our eyes and hearts, and we see that whoever does not serve his people and be loyal to them is incomplete.

From the same perspective with which King Abdulaziz managed the affairs of his country and its citizens, he built his country’s relations with its Arab and Muslim brothers and established strong relations with the international community.

He was frank in his dealings with the issues that concerned his nation at all levels, and successive events until this day have proven his correct vision and correct approach in his words and actions. That vision and that approach were the rule and the upright foundation upon which the Kingdom follows in all its internal and external dealings. In the speech he delivered At the grand banquet that he hosted for the senior pilgrims of the Holy House of God in Mecca on Dhu al-Hijjah 9, 1364 AH, corresponding to November 15, 1945 AD, he devoted the bulk of his speech to talking about the issue of Palestine, where he said: “The question of Palestine is the most important thing that occupies the thoughts of Muslims and Arabs these days, and it is The issue that should be the subject of everyone’s attention and the focus of their attention, and although I do not like a lot of talk and prefer silent, fruitful work, I say frankly: Silence on the Palestine issue is not in accordance with the interest. I have previously spoken with the pillars of the British government, and I also spoke at length with President Roosevelt, and I stated in full. Frankly speaking, the injustice that befell our Arab brothers in Palestine and the aid and oppression to which they were subjected, and I demanded and asked the late president to do justice to the Arabs of Palestine, if not with actual aid, then at least to remain neutral and not help the Jews against them.”

Researchers and historians stand in contemplation and admiration in the history of this lofty entity that built, overcame obstacles and difficulties, and overcame all challenges thanks to God’s grace and success first, then with strong faith and complete awareness of the unity of purpose and sincerity of direction under the rule of God’s law and justice in enforcing its provisions to include all aspects of life, contemplating The establishment of the first Saudi state in 1139 AH, with the support of Imam Muhammad bin Saud, the call of Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab, aimed at returning to true Islam and correcting the beliefs that were marred by doubts, as they pledged to cooperate to return society in the Arabian Peninsula to the Islamic doctrine as it was at the beginning of Islam, and they proceeded with this. The way to achieve this great goal.

After that, the Al Saud jihad continued, starting from the same premise, and the flame of faith was not extinguished in the hearts of the believing group with the end of the rule of the first Saudi state after nearly forty-six years due to foreign intervention.

In the year 1240 AH, the second Saudi state was led by the second founding Imam, Turki bin Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Saud – may God have mercy on him – who, and his sons after him, continued the path of their ancestors for about sixty-eight years.

The dawn of the fifth day of the month of Shawwal of the year 1319 AH dawned, marking a new era, as the unifier and builder, King Abdulaziz, restored the city of Riyadh to the possession of his fathers and grandfathers in a true image of heroism, courage, and daring. He laid the first building blocks of this great structure on strong foundations whose goal was to enforce the law of God and work according to His Book and the Sunnah of His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace. May God bless him and grant him peace.

Our father, King Abdulaziz – may God have mercy on him – established a sound approach that his sons followed after him to complete the frameworks of security and peace according to the same approach and goal.

King Saud was the first to follow that approach and work within its framework until signs of progress emerged and the structures of a number of basic institutions and agencies in the state were completed.

After him came the pioneer of Islamic solidarity, King Faisal. Good achievements continued, giving continued, and during his reign the Kingdom began implementing ambitious five-year plans for development.

The springs of goodness flowed abundantly when King Khaled assumed the trust, and construction and growth continued, serving the homeland and the citizen in particular, and Islam and Muslims in general, and development plans were connected to each other. To achieve more prosperity and stability.

The great building increased in glory and exaltation, and a new era of goodness, giving, growth, and achievement prevailed after the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Fahd bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, was pledged allegiance as king of the country, as the achievements during his reign were characterized by comprehensiveness and integration, forming a comprehensive development process in building a nation and exceptional wise leadership.

During the era of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia witnessed more giant development achievements throughout the nation in various sectors of education, health, transportation, industry, electricity, water, agriculture, and the economy.

And here is the Kingdom today, living the era of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, an era of sustainability, growth and development, and we are witnessing great leaps and unprecedented steps in all fields internally and externally, which shaped the features of the Kingdom, laid the foundations of its political, economic and cultural standing, and established its influential role in the economy. The global economy, being based on a solid industrial economic base, has placed it among the 20 strongest economies in the world.

From year to year, with every celebration of National Day, the nation also celebrates new achievements internally and externally, and since the celebration of National Day last year 2022 AD, the Kingdom has witnessed events and achieved development achievements and leaps, including: the launch of His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince. Prime Minister for:

– The national strategy for industry aims to reach an industrial economy that attracts investment and contributes to economic diversification.

– The general plan for King Salman International Airport, to make Riyadh a gateway to the world, a global destination for transport, trade and tourism, and a bridge linking East and West, consolidating the Kingdom’s position as a global logistics centre.

– National Intellectual Property Strategy.

– Investment Events Fund to empower the culture, tourism, entertainment and sports sectors.

– New Square Development Company; With the aim of developing the largest modern downtown in the world in the city of Riyadh.

– Launching four special economic zones; It aims to diversify the Kingdom’s economy.

– Giving the name “King Salman Neighborhood” to the “Al-Waha” and “Salah Al-Din” neighborhoods and developing them; This aims to humanize the neighborhood with its new name and raise and develop the quality of basic services and leisure and recreational activities.

– Investment and allocation project for sports clubs after the completion of the executive procedures for the first phase.

– The new strategy of King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST).

– The general plan for logistics centers; With the aim of making the Kingdom a global logistics center.

– Launching the “Downtown Saudi” company to create and develop urban centers and multiple destinations throughout the Kingdom.

– Launching the National Initiative for Global Supply Chains, which consolidates the Kingdom’s role as a major link that enhances the efficiency of global supply chains.

– Launching the first Saudi brand for the electric car industry in the Kingdom, “Sir”.

His Highness also announced:

The Public Investment Fund established 5 regional investment companies.

– Adopting the development direction of Darien and Tarut Island and the future initiatives of the island.

– Developing “Sendala” Island, NEOM’s first destination for luxury marine tourism.

– Diriyah project was included as the fifth major project owned by the Public Investment Fund.

– Establishing the strategic office for the development of the northern border region.

Establishing the Public Investment Fund for “Riyadh Air”, the new national air carrier.

– Establishing a global water organization based in Riyadh; To enhance global efforts to address water challenges in a comprehensive manner.

– His Highness the Crown Prince announces with a number of world leaders the signing of a memorandum of understanding to establish a new economic corridor linking India, the Middle East and Europe.

The Kingdom’s events varied during the year, the most notable of which were:

– Opening of the first Saudi Games in 2022.

– His Highness the Crown Prince headed the Kingdom’s delegation participating in the GXNUMX leaders’ summit in Indonesia.

– Signing a number of bilateral agreements and memorandums of understanding during the Saudi-Chinese summit.

– His Highness the Crown Prince’s participation in the Kingdom’s official reception ceremony for Riyadh’s candidacy to host Expo 2030 in Paris.

– His Highness the Crown Prince headed the Kingdom’s delegation participating in the “For a New Global Financial Compact” summit held in Paris.

– The Kingdom is hosting the thirty-second regular session of the Council of the League of Arab States.

The Kingdom hosted the eighteenth consultative meeting of leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries in Jeddah.

The Kingdom hosted the summit of the Gulf Cooperation Council and Central Asian countries in Jeddah.

The Kingdom’s participation in the BRICS Plus and BRICS Africa dialogue in Johannesburg.

The Kingdom won 6 Arab Government Excellence Awards for the years 2021-2022.

The Kingdom ended the humanitarian evacuations of its citizens and nationals of brotherly and friendly countries from Sudan, which included (8455) people.

The Kingdom achieved first place in the electronic and mobile government services maturity index for the year 2022.

The Kingdom won first place in the Cardiology Fellowship Competition at the annual conference of the American Society.

The Kingdom achieved 5 certificates of excellence at the World Summit on the Information Society “WSIS 2023”.

The Kingdom achieved second place in the world in terms of growth in the number of international tourists, according to the World Tourism Organization report.

The Kingdom launched the scientific mission to space from the International Space Station (ISS) in Florida.

The Kingdom achieved 17th place globally in the Global Competitiveness Yearbook 2023 report.

The Kingdom won the presidency of the Aviation Security Committee at ICAO, confirming its global leadership role.

– His Highness the Crown Prince headed the Kingdom’s delegation participating in the GXNUMX leaders’ summit in India.

Source: International Islamic News Agency