
Pakistani daily urges ‘restraining Israel’ to revive JCPOA

Tehran, IRNA – The largest and oldest English-language newspaper in Pakistan Dawn has published an editorial, stressing that the revival of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal is an important effort, which should be pursued along with containing the Zionist regime.

The Dawn underlined that recent move by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in issuing an anti-Iran resolution causes aggravating mistrust and distancing from the path to revive the nuclear deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

In its Friday editorial “Iran-IAE spat,” the newspaper warned about the aftermaths of issuing anti-Iran resolution on peace and stability at regional and international levels in particular when the world is grappling with military tension in Ukraine and Israel’s attempt to fan the flame of discords in the region.

“Should tension between Iran and the West rise to greater levels, this would result in even higher energy prices, and a dangerous new conflict breaking out in a sensitive region,” the article cautioned.

According to the editorial, “Already Israel has been spearheading a covert campaign to assassinate key Iranian officials.”

The leading Pakistani newspaper urged the West, “To prevent this cold war turning hot, reviving the nuclear deal — along with restraining Israel — can be a key confidence-building measure.”

“Therefore, both the Western bloc as well as Iran need to show some flexibility and come to a middle point where the deal is concerned. Time is of the essence and further confrontational rhetoric must be eschewed in favor of a more accommodative posture by both sides,” the daily wrote.

The editorial also noted that escalation of tensions would end up in a hike of energy prices, as well as dangerous conflict in the critical West Asia region.

“With the failure of international diplomacy in the shape of the Ukraine war, we have already witnessed the painful geo-economic effects across the globe, particularly in the energy and commodities sectors,” the newspaper warned, adding, “Should tension between Iran and the West rise to greater levels, this would result in even higher energy prices, and a dangerous new conflict breaking out in a sensitive region.”

On Wednesday, the US and three European countries of Britain, Germany and France offered an anti-Iran draft resolution to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of Governors based on allegations made by the Zionist regime on Iranian nuclear activities. The anti-Iran resolution was approved with 30 votes in favor, two votes against (Russia and China), and three abstentions (India, Libya and Pakistan).

In reaction to the approval of the resolution, the Islamic Republic of Iran halted certain collaborations with the IAEA, which were beyond safeguards agreements and were conducted by Iranians to show their good faith.

The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) issued a statement on Thursday, declaring that the Islamic Republic of Iran has so far showed extensive cooperation with the IAEA, which has not been appreciated; so, the AEOI decided that beyond safeguards activities of cameras of measuring On-Line Enrichment Monitor (OLEM) and flowmeter to be deactivated from today.

However, the AEOI emphasized that more than 80% of the cameras available by the agency are safeguards cameras, which will continue to operate.

Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs also announced that as a result of the unconstructive approach by the IAEA and the approval of the anti-Iran resolution, the Islamic Republic has taken reciprocal practices, including installment of advanced centrifuges and deactivation of ultra-safeguards cameras.

The European trio who are also signatories the nuclear deal issued a joint statement to show their protest against Iran’s response, while they themselves are the ones who did not abide by their commitments under the JCPOA.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA