
Palestine enters the global race for government readiness for artificial intelligence

Ramallah – Ma’an – The Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy announced the entry of the State of Palestine into the global race on government readiness for artificial intelligence for the year 2023, for the first time, by ranking 134th out of 194 countries in the world according to the indicators of the Oxford Insights platform.

The Director General of Government Information Technology, Eng. Nour Nassar said that Palestine’s obtaining this status was a reflection of recent government efforts, represented by the formation of the national team for artificial intelligence, consisting of 16 members, including representatives from the private and academic sectors, along with a specialized steering committee to approve the team’s work, in addition to approving the policy and strategy. National Artificial Intelligence.

For his part, the Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, Dr. Abdel Razzaq Al-Natsheh said that the Palestinian government realizes the importance of employing artificial intelligen
ce technologies and their impact on providing government services to citizens in line with global development, and this prompts us to work at a rapid pace to adopt artificial intelligence technologies through strategic partnerships with public and private sector institutions.

It is noteworthy that Palestine, represented by the Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy, holds the position of Vice-Chairman of the Arab Team on Artificial Intelligence under the umbrella of the League of Arab States, in addition to its membership in the technical team emerging from it.

It contributed effectively to the preparation of the unified Arab strategy for artificial intelligence, prepared a questionnaire to measure the readiness of Arab countries in this field, and presented a draft of the Arab Charter for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence and it was approved as a first draft for Arab countries by the Arab team.

As part of enhancing capabilities in this field, the Ministry organized a series of workshops and specia
lized training to qualify national cadres and integrate them into the global digital economy.

Source: Maan News Agency