
People should follow health protocols more seriously/ Registering Arba’een pilgrims in SAMAH system imperative

The President announced injection of reminder doses and control of the country’s entry points as two important issues to deal with coronavirus in the month of September, and said, “Due to the traffic of Arba’een pilgrims and the increase in travel in the last days of summer, it is necessary for all people to follow health protocols more seriously”.

Speaking on Saturday at the meeting of the National Task Force Against Coronavirus, Ayatollah Dr Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi announced that the injection of a reminder dose and control of entry points into the country are two important issues to deal with coronavirus in September, and said, “Considering the traffic of Arba’een pilgrims and the increase in travel in the last days of summer, it is necessary for all people to follow health protocols more seriously”.

Referring to the report of the Ministry of Health about 74% vaccination in the country, the President said, “It is necessary to explain the positive results of vaccination and booster doses to the people through the media”.

In another part of his speech, Ayatollah Raisi introduced Arba’een as a great and honourable event and said, “This great global movement is organised with the efforts of those who love Imam Hussein (AS) and the Ahl ul-Bayt (AS) and the government has the duty to serve people in this regard and facilitated the travel of pilgrims”.

Stating that the key to the success of Arba’een is that it is held as popular as possible, the President urged its organisers and the officials of various institutions to use the capacity of popular and jihadist groups appropriately.

Ayatollah Raisi described registration in the SAMAH system as necessary and important in order to provide better service and easier traffic for Arba’een pilgrims, and emphasised the need for accurate information.

Expressing his satisfaction with the creation of peace in Iraq, Dr Raisi stated, “The enemies do not want this huge procession, which is a capacity for the resistance front and the Islamic world, to be held well, but every year the grandeur of the great gathering of Imam Hussein’s (AS) followers increases”.

In another part of his speech, the President referred to the approach of the reopening of schools and universities and emphasised the necessity of “proper ventilation” and “compliance with health protocols”.

In this regard, Dr Raisi tasked the Ministries of Science and Education to update the rules and health guidelines for the reopening of schools and universities and explain them to the people according to the current conditions of the country.

Source: Presidency of Islamic Republic of Iran