
PM reviews efforts of Unified Gov’t Complaints System

Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouli on Saturday 10/8/2024 ordered maintaining work to promote communication mechanisms between the government and citizens to receive complaints, questions and requests regarding different government services via the Unified Government Complaints System.

The government is exerting strenuous efforts to alleviate the suffering of the citizens while facing repercussions of some incidents and changes and in a move meant to improve services offered to them, according to him.

The premier stressed his complete support for the system and the need to review the performance of all relevant government bodies.

The premier made his remarks while reviewing a report prepared by the Unified Government Complaints System on the government’s efforts to deal with citizens’ complaints in July, 2024 on Saturday.

Director of the Unified Government Complaints System Tarek el Refaei confirmed that these efforts aimed to ensure a higher level of responsiveness to citizen’s complaints.

The total number
of complaints submitted through the system in the above-mentioned month amounted to 196,000, according to him.

Source: State Information Service Egypt