Foreign Affairs

PM’s Advisor Reveals An Expected Campaign That Will Affect The Most Corrupt People In The State

The political advisor to Prime Minister Muhammad Al-Sudani, Sabhan Mulla Jiyad, revealed an expected campaign that will affect the senior corrupt in the state.

Jiyad said in a statement: “The work of integrity focuses on the small and medium of the corrupt, but the nature of the judicial work seeks to stand before the court and make confessions and the parties behind the corruption and the corrupt, because therefore the small corrupt come to the middle and the last to confess to the big whales covered with a lot of camouflage.”

Jiyad added: “In the coming days, we will witness the overthrow of senior corrupt people, because there is seriousness in al-Sudani’s approach, and this is one of the priorities of his government program and with the approval of all political blocs.”

He pointed out, “The political blocs will disavow the corrupt affiliated with them in order to avoid any embarrassment that they may find behind their actions.”/ End

Source: National Iraqi News Agency