
PNU Delegation of Students Visits University of Tokyo, Japan

A delegation of female students from the College of Engineering at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University (PNU) recently visited the University of Tokyo in Japan. The visit aimed to activate the cultural student exchange program and foster knowledge exchange between the two institutions.

During the 11-day visit, the students attended seminars and workshops focused on green hydrogen concepts and projects and participated in training tasks involving solar cells, solar energy, and the PEM electrolysis system for hydrogen production. They also explored the production processes at solar panel operating plants, leading to discussions on potential areas of cooperation between the two universities in renewable energy.

The delegation’s visit included field trips to notable landmarks in Tokyo and tours of the university’s centers and facilities. These included the Prince Mohammed bin Salman Center for Future Science and Technology, the Misk Laboratory (Green Energy), the College of Engineering Research Center
(CEE), the Institute of Industrial Sciences (IIS), and the Integrated Research Center for Sustainable Energy and Materials (IRCSEM). Additionally, the students visited research laboratories specializing in electronics, renewable energy, and control system laboratories that generate electricity from solar energy.

This visit follows a previous exchange where Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University hosted a delegation of female students from the University of Tokyo, highlighting the Deanship’s commitment to enhancing qualitative partnerships between local, regional, and international universities.

The student exchange program is designed to enhance communication skills, foster understanding and respect for diverse cultures, and develop personal and professional competencies for future careers. The program includes a variety of activities, such as cultural and tourist excursions, artistic and entertainment competitions, and field trips to universities in Oman, Sun Yat-sen University in China, and Hankuk U
niversity of Foreign Studies in South Korea.

Source: Saudi Press Agency