
Ports’ connection to regional and international corridors and boost in transit operations and export

Regarding the effects of fulfilling the plans of the Minister of Roads and Urban Development on compiling a roadmap to improve the quality of the transport fleet in four steps and preapring an action plan of international corridors on the development of northern and southern ports, Reza Rostami said: Development of corridors and their connection to the country’s ports will certainly have a significant impact on transit operations and exports of goods through Iran.

“Connection of the country’s ports to the railways and being located on the path of regional and international corridors will be one of the main factors in creating a traffic load for ports.”, Rostami added “The connection of the north-south corridor to the northern and southern ports of Iran can have a tremendous impact on the transit of goods through the country.”

emphasizing that Ro-Ro shipping can have a significant impact on the transit of goods through the country’s ports, especially the northern ports, Deputy Chairman of the Transportation and Logistics Commission of the Iranian Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture stated that: Ro-Ro shipping is very effective in transit of goods and developing maritime transport. we must develop such transportation through ports by attracting private sector investors.

Source: Ports & Maritime Organization