
President visits Malard’s Akhavan Rehabilitation Camp/ Ayatollah Raisi: Decide on Laylat al-Qadr to use no more drugs

During a visit to the Malard’s Akhavan Rehabilitation Camp, the President advised the camp’s clients to strengthen their will and make a serious decision to quit addiction along with finding a suitable job in order to return to society and live an honourable life.

Speaking on Saturday during a visit to Malard’s Akhavan Rehabilitation Camp, Ayatollah Dr Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi said, “You dear clients are ready to return to the society today so that after being cleansed of any addiction, you can be useful for yourself, your family and human society”.

The President called addiction a tough situation for addicts and their families and said, “Decide Laylat al-Qadr to use no more drugs”.

The President noted, “In this centre, good facilities have been provided so that in addition to quitting addiction, you can learn a suitable job and make it a legal business”.

Ayatollah Raisi added, “Today, by learning a suitable job and making a serious decision to quit addiction, you must reassure your family that you are no longer the same person and that you intend to live an honourable life away from any addiction”.

The President said, “This centre is to rebuild your physical and mental condition to be an effective person for your family and community”.

Dr Raisi stressed the need to develop the facilities of the rehabilitation camp and said, “The government supports to increase the capacity of this centre to double so that more facilities can be provided to the clients”.

Source: Presidency of Islamic Republic of Iran