
Product prices increased in Palestine during March

Ramallah – Ma’an – The Central Bureau of Statistics said that the general index of producer prices recorded a sharp increase of 5.00% during the month of March 2024 compared to the month of February 2024a, and the general index reached 146.38 during the month of March 2024 compared to 139.41 during the month of February 2024 (year Base 2019 = 100).

The statistics added that the producer price index for locally consumed goods of local production recorded a sharp increase of 5.39%, as the producer price index for locally consumed goods reached 149.89 during the month of March 2024 compared to 142.22 during the month of February 2024 (base year 2019 = 100).

The producer price index for goods exported from local production also recorded an increase of 0.43%, and the producer price index for goods exported from local production reached 113.67 during the month of March 2024, compared to 113.19 during the month of February 2024 (base year 2019 = 100).

The prices of commodities produced from agriculture, forestry,
and fishing activities recorded a sharp increase of 12.21%, and their relative importance constitutes 29.94% of the product basket, as a result of the sharp increase in the prices of commodities within the activity of cultivating non-permanent crops by 16.85%, and the average price of a flower reached 5.03 shekels/ kg, white cabbage 5.17 shekels/kg, ground tomatoes 4.12 shekels/kg, local cucumbers 4.35 shekels/kg, green molokhiya with 10.72 shekels/kg, spinach 3.43 shekels/kg, parsley 19.21 shekels/kg, and Persian eggplant 7.92 shekels/kg. And hot green peppers 20.80 shekels/kg, sweet peppers 5.41 shekels/kg, green broad beans 17.50 shekels/kg, green onions with leaves 8.36 shekels/kg, dry onions 22.44 shekels/kg, and potatoes 7.97 shekels/kg.

The prices of commodities within the activity of growing permanent crops recorded a sharp increase of 11.28%, and the average price of each of: oranges reached 9.54 shekels/kg, clementines 6.79 shekels/kg, lemons 9.41 shekels/kg, pomelo 5.92 shekels/kg, and strawberrie
s 6.10 shekels. /kg.

The prices of commodities within the animal production activity recorded a sharp increase of 4.43%, as the average price of a live calf reached 20.83 shekels/kg, a live sheep reached 38.98 shekels/kg, a live goat reached 32.52 shekels/kg, and a large live broiler chicken (1-2 kg). 14.17 shekels/kg, and fresh eggs 46.95 shekels/2kg.

The prices of goods within the fishing and aquaculture activity recorded an increase of 1.04%, and the average price of Sultan Ibrahim fish and sea bream reached 900 shekels/10 kg each.

The prices of water supply, sanitation activities, waste management and treatment recorded an increase of 1.28%, and their relative importance constitutes 1.50% of the product basket.

The prices of mining and quarrying industry products also recorded an increase of 0.57%, of which their relative importance constitutes 1.41% of the product basket.

While the prices of electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supplies recorded a decrease of 0.12% during the month of March
2024 compared to the month of February 2024, whose relative importance constitutes 8.23% of the product basket.

The prices of goods produced from manufacturing activities recorded a decrease of 0.12%, whose relative importance constitutes 58.92% of the product basket, due to the decrease in prices of goods produced within the following activities: Manufacture of formed metal products, other than machinery and equipment, by 1.48%, Manufacture of grain mill products by 0.65%, Manufacture of clothing by 0.60%, and Manufacture of bakery products by 0.36%, despite the increase in the prices of goods produced within the following activities: Processing and preserving meat at a rate of 3.86%, manufacturing glass and glass products at a rate of 3.55%, manufacturing vegetable oils and vegetable and animal fats at a rate of 0.87%, and processing and preserving fruits, nuts and vegetables at a rate of 0.81%.

Source: Maan News Agency