
Prophet’s Mosque Sees 4,700 Worshippers Observe Itikaf in Last 10 Days of Ramadan

Madinah, The Prophet’s Mosque has welcomed 4,700 men and women performing the rite of Itikaf (seclusion for worship) in the last ten days of Ramadan for the year 1445 AH. They completed the permitted number through the ‘Visitors’ electronic application, which is governed by the capacity of the places designated for Itikaf service.

The General Authority for the Affairs of the Prophet’s Mosque allocated sites for Itikaf observers in the men’s and women’s sections of the Prophet’s Mosque. Escalator No. 6 and Ladder 10 were designated for men to ascend to the Itikaf site, while doors 24 and 25 were designated for women entering the site.

The authority provided all necessary services and facilities for Itikaf observers, including meal and hospitality services, cupboards for storing luggage and charging devices, in addition to essential visitor services. It also allocated a medical clinic that provides health services.

The authority provided Itikaf observers with a bracelet to ensure ease of movement, access to
the site, and easy access to services.

Source: Saudi Press Agency