
Raisi: Sanctions equal breaching int’l rights; Iran continues supporting Syria

Tehran, IRNA – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said that the sanctions equal breaching the international rights, adding that the Islamic Republic of Iran will more strongly keep on supporting Syria, as that country’s independence is inevitable.

Speaking at the 7th Astana Peace Process Summit Conference, President Raisi appreciated the presence of the Russian and Turkish presidents, saying that he believes Astana is a successful format for peaceful resolving of the Syrian crisis and it has achieved good results.

Raisi said that, therefore, preserving those achievements and further expanding them is the responsibility of these three friendly countries, as its guarantors.

He emphasized the need for preserving the territorial integrity and independence of the Syrian Republic of Syria, reiterating that deciding the fate of that country must be merely up to the Syrian people through Syrian-Syrian dialogues, free from foreign intervention.

The president said that 11 years after the beginning of the Syrian crisis, the Islamic Republic of Iran still believes diplomacy is the only way to resolve that crisis, as military interventions merely further aggravate the problem.

He said that the guarantor countries of the Astana Peace Process have always favored political solutions in the framework of the reached agreements, including holding a constitutional referendum and supporting the campaign against terrorism in the region, including in Syria.

President Raisi said that the Astana Peace Process guarantotr countries’ will for proceeding with the reached agreements is quite strong.

He said that in the selfless campaign against terrorism, Iran has proudly dedicated the lives of many martyrs, atop whom there is martyr Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani.

The president said that while the 7th Astana Peace Process Conference is being held while the unilateral sanctions, especially those imposed by America, have put the Syrian nation under double-pressure.

President Raisi said that the sanctions breach the international rights and the nations’ rights, and the Islamic Republic of Iran while condemning all kinds of sanctions against nation, announces its support for the Syrian people, and will continue it more strongly.

He emphasized that breaching the territorial integrity of Syria is not in favor of the regional security, adding that Syria’s independence cannot be harmed.

The full text of the President Raisi’s speech at the summit is as follows;

In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and peace and blessings be upon our Master, Prophet Muhammad, his Pure Progeny, and his chosen companions

First of all, I would like to express my appreciation and thanks to the honourable presidents, Mr Putin, the Honourable President of the friendly country of Russia, and Mr Erdogan, the Honourable President of the friendly and brotherly country of Turkey for accepting the invitation of the Islamic Republic of Iran and attending the 7th Summit of the Guarantor States of the Astana Process.

I believe that the Astana Process, as a successful framework for the peaceful settlement of the Syrian crisis, has achieved very good achievements, and its preservation and development is the duty of us three friendly and neighbouring countries as its guarantors.

First of all, I would like to emphasise on the basic and unchangeable principles we share on the topic of Syria, which is the need to maintain territorial integrity and cohesion, respect for the national sovereignty and independence of the Syrian Arab Republic, and determine the fate of this country only by the hands of its people through Syrian-Syrian dialogues and without foreign interference.

Today, about 11 years have passed since the beginning of the Syrian crisis, the Islamic Republic of Iran still believes that the only solution to the Syrian crisis is political, and military action is not only ineffective, but will worsen the situation.

In the past, as Guarantor States of the Astana Process, we have always supported the political solution within the framework of the agreements reached, including holding the Syrian constitutional negotiations, and we emphasised our determination to fight terrorism in its various forms in the entire region, including Syria, and we continue to believe that the determination of the leaders of the countries that guarantee the Astana Process is to carry forward the past agreements.

These days, we are proudly talking about the fight against terrorism, where many sacrifices have been made in this way. I think it is necessary to remember and honour all the martyrs of the fight against terrorism, and at the head of them is Martyr Lieutenant General Qasem Soleimani.

Right now, we are holding the summit of the Astana process, while unilateral sanctions, especially by the United States, have put additional pressure on the Syrian people and deprived them of the possibility of a normal life, and it has become clear to everyone that the parties who did not succeed by creating insecurity and instability in Syria to achieve their political goals, are now seeking to fulfil their illegitimate demands through other methods and with the policy of sanctions and pressure.

Unilateral sanctions and economic terrorism violate international law and the sovereignty of countries, and the Islamic Republic of Iran, while condemning any sanctions against nations, especially the Syrian nation, declares that it will continue to support the people and government of Syria with greater strength.

The issue of Syrian refugees and domestically displaced people is a very important issue, and the countries of the region and the international community should help the refugees return to their homes. We are well aware of the problems and concerns of Syria’s neighbouring countries in this regard, and we support any efforts and initiatives in this regard.

We believe that making humanitarian aid conditional on the realisation of the political goals of some Western countries and the Zionist Regime will disrupt this process, and in this regard, we demand more serious attention and action from the international community.

The only way to establish stability and security in Syria’s borders with its neighbouring countries is the powerful presence of this country’s army at the borders and its cooperation with neighbouring governments. Numerous experiences have shown that the violation of the territorial integrity of Syria has not helped to establish security and fight against terrorism, so respect for the national sovereignty and independence of the original Syria is inviolable.

A united, independent Syria without illegal foreign presence will not only lead to the return of peace to the people of this country after years of suffering, but will also contribute to the stability and security of its neighbours. The illegal presence of the occupying forces of the American regime has become a destabilising factor for Syria and the region. America, while increasing illegal military bases, is looting Syria’s natural resources, especially their oil, and I emphasise that it is necessary for the country’s forces to withdraw from the entire region, including Syria, as soon as possible.

We also strongly condemn the increase in the scope of the Zionist Regime’s encroachments on Syrian territory and the targeting of the country’s basic infrastructure, including airports and ports. It has become clear to everyone that this regime has linked its survival to aggression and insecurity in our region, and such actions, along with the occupation of the Golan region, are a violation of the sovereignty of the Syrian state and a factor of instability and a threat to regional and international peace and security, the consequences of which will of course be faced by this occupying regime.

The United Nations Security Council and the respected Secretary General must fulfil their duties in this field before the aggression of the Zionist Regime becomes a major security problem.

At the end, I hope that constructive and useful decisions will be made in this meeting, by taking advantage of which we can witness the continuation and strengthening of the peace process in Syria and sustainable happiness for its honourable people.

I sincerely thank you for your attention.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA