Foreign Affairs

Resistance Diplomacy Conference held with FM Amirabdollahian in attendance

The Resistance Diplomacy Conference, commemorating late Mr. Hossein Sheikholeslam, was held on Tuesday at the Center for Political and International Studies of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Resistance Diplomacy Conference, commemorating late Mr. Hossein Sheikholeslam, was held on Tuesday at the Center for Political and International Studies of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and a number of high-ranking political officials and diplomats attended the meeting.

Other officials in attendance were former foreign ministers Manouchehr Mottaki and Ali Akbar Salehi. Participants in the conference praised the role of Mr. Sheikholeslam in boosting the resistance diplomacy in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Amirabdollahian also enumerated the moral, political and revolutionary qualities of late Sheikholeslam, noting that Iran will not back down from the issue of Palestine on the path of resistance diplomacy. And just as our dear brother Hossein Sheikholeslam sacrificed his life for the resistance and freedom of al-Quds, we will also continue down the path, under the wise leadership of the leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, until the formation of a unified Palestinian state in all of Palestine with al-Quds as its capital.

Amirabdollahian underlined that the Islamic Republic of Iran is steadfast on the path of diplomacy and negotiations and we will continue efforts to finalize the talks, in which we have been engaged, in order to safeguard Iran’s national interests.

Also in the meeting, the former foreign ministers of Iran appreciated the lofty place of late Mr. Sheikholeslam in Iran’s diplomacy and underscored the need to continue his approach to furthering the resistance diplomacy in the Iranian foreign ministry.

In the conference, which was attended by some foreign officials, the messages of Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah’s leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mikdad were also read. In their messages, Nasrallah and Mikdad hailed the precious role of Mr. Sheikholeslam in supporting the axis of resistance in the region.

In the commemoration event, video messages of Iraq’s former prime minister Adel Abdul Mahdi and Secretary General of the Islamic Jihad Movement Ziad Nakhaleh were played. Mr. Sheikholeslam was a high-ranking Iranian diplomat who died of Covid-19 on March 5, 2020 at the age of 67.

Source: Embassy of islamic republic of Iran, Stockholm