Foreign Affairs

Russian Foreign Ministry: Israeli strikes in Syria provoke armed escalation in the region

The Russian Foreign Ministry confirmed that the Israeli air strikes on Syrian territory constitute a flagrant violation of the sovereignty of the Syrian Republic and the basic standards on which international law is based.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on its website: “According to the information received, today, October 12, the Israeli Air Force launched raids on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic, and as a result of this attack, the landing strips at both Damascus and Aleppo international airports were damaged, which led to the suspension of work in both of them.”

The Foreign Ministry said: “These actions by the Israeli side constitute a blatant violation of the sovereignty of the Syrian Arab Republic and the basic rules of international law.”

The statement continued: “In the context of the sharp deterioration of the situation in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict zone, such acts of violence are fraught with very serious consequences, as they could lead to armed escalation throughout the entire region. This cannot be allowed to happen under any circumstances.”

Earlier today, Thursday, the Syrian Ministry of Transport announced the transfer of scheduled flights through Damascus and Aleppo airports to Latakia International Airport after they were subjected to Israeli aggression.

It should be noted that the Israeli raids on the Damascus and Aleppo international airports are repeated from time to time, but they are the first in light of Tel Aviv’s preoccupation with dealing with the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation, which constituted a major unexpected shock in terms of timing and the numbers of dead and captured civilians and military personnel.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency