
Saudi Air Connectivity Program, Cathay Pacific Sign Agreement to Launch Direct Flights From Hong Kong to Riyadh

Riyadh, The Saudi Air Connectivity Program (ACP) has signed a cooperation agreement with Cathay Pacific Airlines to launch direct flights between the Kingdom and Hong Kong in October 2024.

The agreement was announced in Hong Kong in the presence of the Saudi Consul General, Hamad Al-Jibreen, the Hong Kong Minister of Transport and Logistics, Lam Sai-hung, the Executive Management of the Saudi Air Connectivity Program and Cathay Pacific Airlines.

CEO of the Saudi Air Connectivity Program, Majid Khan, emphasized the convenience of the new direct flights between Hong Kong and Riyadh with Cathay Pacific. He stated: “This new route will significantly strengthen the air connectivity network in the Kingdom, making it more accessible to our main markets and attracting inbound tourism. Passengers from Hong Kong and the Cathay Pacific network, including China, Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, and other countries in the Asia-Pacific region, will now have a convenient and direct way to explore the vast tourism p
otential of Saudi Arabia. We eagerly anticipate the opportunities this will bring in the coming years.”

Cathay Pacific Group CEO Ronald Lam confirmed that the announcement of the launch of flights linking Hong Kong and Riyadh next October will strengthen their network in the Middle East and enhance air connectivity between Hong Kong and the GCC region. He added that these new flights would not only provide more travel options and greater comfort for customers travelling to and from Saudi Arabia but also open up significant opportunities for business, trade, and tourism, fostering a sense of optimism and hope for the future.

Source: Saudi Press Agency