
Saudi Arabia Commits to Supporting Global Environmental Initiatives to Combat Marine Pollution

The Minister of Environment, Water, and Agriculture, Eng. Abdulrahman bin Abdulmohsen Al-Fadhli delivered Saudi Arabia’s speech today at the 20th session of the Regional Organization for the Conservation of the Environment in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, held in Hurghada, Egypt.

The Minister confirmed that the Kingdom is dedicated to endorsing and amplifying local, regional, and international efforts in mitigating marine pollution and addressing pressing environmental concerns with a firm focus on providing optimal conditions for growth and stability in the region.

“Recognizing the gravity of global environmental challenges, Saudi Arabia has taken the initiative to adopt several key programs, such as the Middle East Green Initiative, which has successfully developed a comprehensive roadmap to preserve the environment and combat climate change,” said Al-Fadhli. “At the international level, Saudi Arabia has joined the World Oceans Union and the Alliance for eliminating plastic waste in oceans. In addition, the Kingdom has established a non-profit institution dedicated to exploring and studying seas and oceans and a regional centre for the sustainable development of fisheries,” he added.

Al-Fadhli said that these environmental endeavours form a significant part of Saudi Arabia’s initiatives, which focus on enhancing biodiversity, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, combating land degradation, and improving the quality of life within the region and beyond, adding that the Kingdom, in pursuit of a circular carbon economy approach, has set a progressive goal of achieving zero carbon emissions by 2060.

Furthermore, in collaboration with its partners, Saudi Arabia is participating in establishing the Coral Research & Development Accelerator Platform (CORDAP). This platform was launched by the G20 leaders during Saudi Arabia’s presidency in 2020.

The Minister expressed his appreciation for the organization’s efforts in preserving the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden marine environments, praising the valuable work carried out by member states, hoping that the outcomes of this session would contribute to bolstering regional conservation actions and achieving shared goals among regional countries.

Source: Saudi Press Agency