
Saudi Exports” Organizes Activities of Saudi Trade Mission to Iraq

The Saudi Export Development Authority “Saudi Exports” organized a trade mission to Iraq under the theme “Made in Saudi”. The event, held in Baghdad on June 18, 2023, showcased the authority’s commitment to developing Saudi non-oil exports and its strategic goal of providing export opportunities for local exporters.

The trade mission saw the participation of over 37 Saudi companies and 100 Iraqi companies from various sectors, including construction materials, food products, and packaging. The objective was to explore new avenues of cooperation with the Iraqi side, thereby facilitating the entry of Saudi products into the promising Iraqi markets. This initiative aligns with the vision of the Saudi leadership to diversify national income sources and enhance non-oil exports.

The trade mission comprised a series of bilateral meetings, agreements, and memorandums of understanding between the participating companies from both countries.

Source: Saudi Press Agency