Foreign Affairs

Saudi Institute of Internal Auditors, Diamond Sponsor at IIA 2024 International Conference in Washington

Riyadh: The Saudi Institute of Internal Auditors will be participating as a diamond sponsor at the 2024 International Conference of the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) in Washington, D.C., from July 15 to July 17. Led by Hussam Abdulmohsen Alangari, President of the General Court of Audit and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Institute of Internal Auditors, the Institute will be sending a delegation of up to 100 participants to the event.

This conference is the largest gathering of internal audit providers, with an expected attendance of over 2,300 participants from around the world.

The 2023 edition of the conference, held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, saw the largest Saudi presence in the annual conference with around 150 attendees. The Saudi delegation made valuable contributions to the conference, actively participating in sessions and awards, and sharing the Kingdom’s national professional experiences.

Source: Saudi Press Agency