
Saudi Islamic Affairs Ministry Concludes Quran, Hadith Text Memorization Competitions

The Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Dawah, and Guidance, represented by the religious attaché at the Saudi embassy in Pakistan, concluded yesterday the Quran and the Hadith Text Memorization Competitions at Abu Bakr Islamic University in Karachi.

A total of 333 students from 38 institutions participated in the Quran Memorization Competition. The participants competed at three levels: the first was for memorizing the entire Quran, the second was for memorizing 20 parts of the Quran, and the third was for memorizing ten parts of the Quran. Also, 299 students from the Sindh Region participated in the Hadith Text Memorization Competition.

The Acting Religious Attaché, Sheikh Yahya bin Ali Sufiani, the President of Abu Bakr Islamic University in Karachi, Hafiz Ubaidullah Abdulrahman, and the Vice President of the University, Sheikh Tahir Asif, awarded the prizes during the ceremony. Several directors and students from various universities, religious institutes, and schools in Karachi attended the event.

ource: Saudi Press Agency