
Saudi-US Business Council Celebrates Its 30th Anniversary

Washington, The Saudi-U.S. Business Council held a ceremony in Houston, Texas on the 30th anniversary of its establishment in the presence of Saudi Consul General Shafi Bajad Al Otaibi, council co-chairman Abdallah Jum’ah, council executive director and interim president Susanne Lendman, and other business leaders and investors from the two countries.

‘For three decades, the U.S.-Saudi Business Council has been a solid partner in facilitating new business ventures between Saudi and American companies, and with the significant transformations the Kingdom is witnessing under the Saudi Vision 2030, we are honored to contribute to these dynamic developments through more than 60 business development missions and more than 500 seminars and networking events,’ Lendman said.

She stressed that the ultimate goals are to enable partnerships, enhance growth, and shape the future together, and these come with American exports to the Kingdom reaching $13.87 billion in 2023 amid thriving expectations for trade relations
between the two countries.

Jum’ah highlighted in his speech the massive achievements of the council over three decades of cooperation in business and investment, explaining that traditional trade is no longer the only prevailing mode of joint business between the two countries given the tremendous progress and development in the Kingdom and the expansion in businesses that opened new horizons in tourism, entertainment, transport, among others in parallel with the Saudi Vision 2030.

He also touched upon the impact of Saudi-U.S. relations on the two sides and on personal experiences of trade leaders.

The ceremony saw the signing of several memoranda of understanding between Saudi and American companies.

Source: Saudi Press Agency