Foreign Affairs

Setting up smart distribution systems essential/ Easiest methods to get goods to people must be used/ People’s dignity gov’t red line

Emphasising the importance of fair pricing of goods, especially basic items needed by the people, the President said, “People’s dignity is the red line of the government and should not be harmed and goods should reach the people in the easiest way and at the most appropriate prices”.

Speaking on Wednesday at the meeting of the Market Regulation Headquarters, Ayatollah Dr Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi said, “The sense of abandonment in the market and floating prices are not acceptable at all. In this regard, launching and developing smart distribution systems, especially for essentials can play an important role in controlling the market and prices”.

Dr Raisi emphasised on using the best methods to get the goods to the people and said, “The government’s plan and policy is to get the goods to the people fairly and there is no bias or restriction on using a special method and it is important that the goods are needed by the people are given to them appropriate to their dignity”.

Emphasising that the decisions of the Market Regulation Headquarters should be fully implemented, the President said, “If, contrary to the decisions of the Market Regulation Headquarters, the manager of a complex or factory does not offer his product to the market only to sell it later at a higher price, such a person is not eligible to reside over that complex even for one day and he should be dealt with decisively”.

Ayatollah Raisi emphasised, “The groups that have the authority to increase prices according to the regulations do not have the right to act arbitrarily in this regard and must submit their proposal to the market regulation headquarters so that after reviewing and considering the market conditions, their proposal can be decided upon”.

The President stressed the importance of market monitoring and the use of trade unions in this regard and said, “To monitor the market, if people and those in the market and trade unions and companies producing goods and services are involved in market control, production and distribution will be very effective”.

Dr Raisi stated, “Market monitoring is very important and it is necessary to follow and control the prices of goods and services on a daily basis, and it should not be neglected for even one day”.

Emphasising the importance of paying attention to the climate of each region and province in the pricing of goods and services, Ayatollah Raisi said, “As far as possible, nationwide pricing of basic goods and people’s essentials should be avoided because sometimes the price of a commodity in a province is lower than its price in the capital”.

Source: Presidency of Islamic Republic of Iran