
SFDA Advises on Healthy Food Options for Students

The Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) stresses the importance of healthy and balanced meals in students’ school lunch boxes, as they play a crucial role in enhancing performance, maintaining focus, providing energy, and combating fatigue and hunger during the school day.

SFDA emphasizes the importance of choosing foods high in fiber, for better digestion and for giving a feeling of fullness, and replacing white bread with whole-grain options. It also recommends opting for fresh, rather than dried fruits, and choosing natural juices over nectars and sweetened beverages.

The authority also urges people to steer clear of nutrient-poor foods like fried potato chips and other items with low nutritional value, as they are high in fats, sugars, and calories, while lacking essential vitamins and minerals required by the body.

SFDA also highlights the importance of wrapping sandwiches in appropriate plastic film to prevent the transfer of chemical substances to the food and avoid exposing plastic products to dir
ect sunlight and high temperatures.

Source: Saudi Press Agency