
Sharif University researchers discover “high-density black hole”

Tehran, IRNA – The researches in Faculty of Physics of the Sharif University of Technology have managed to discover a super high-density black hole, the weight of which is a million times greater than the sun.

The Public Relations Office of Sharif University announced that in a new research of the astronomers of that university, PhD astronomy student Zeinab Kalantari, in collaboration with Sohrab Rahvar and Dr. Reza Rahimi-Tabar, both physics professors of Sharif University, and Ali Ibrahim, from Sultan Qabus Univeristy of Oman, viewed the Gamma-ray burst produced by a super high-density black hole with a weight of some one million times greater than the sun.

The PhD astronomy student Zeinab Kalantari speaking about the discovery of this super-high density black hole said: Using the Fermi Satellite inputs, the researchers of the Faculty of Physics of Sharif University managed to discover a Foreigner Gamma that had passed from a close distance from a super high-density black hole whose germ was a million times greater than the sun.

External Gamma is the Gamma pouring rays that reach is from beyond galaxies.

The researcher reiterated that the Fermi Satellite that was launched to the earth orbit by NASA in the year 2008 registers the pouring of Gamma, and in case of their Foreigner Gamma, which has passed by the side of that black hole, a weight conversion has occurred, which based on Einstein theory, this weight conversion occurs when light passes by the side of very heavy germs, when the rays of light deviate from their straight path.

She said that the results of this research were first published in the internationally-renowned Astro-Physical Journal in the year 2021, and the results of reconfirmation of the existence of this black hole were published in the same magazine last week.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA