
Silence of HR bodies to prepare ground for further crimes in Saudi Arabia

Tehran, IRNA – Secretary General of the Islamic Awakening Assembly condemned mass execution of 81 people, including teenage Shias, in Saudi Arabia and criticized silence on such crimes.

Silence of the so-called human rights bodies prepares the ground for growing crimes like recent mass execution in Saudi Arabia, Ali Akbar Velayati said in a statement.

Such open massacre reveals the true face of the Saudi rulers more than before; and history will undoubtedly register such embarrassing crime, Velayati noted.

At the statement, Velayati referred to the silence of the international communities and the so-called human rights bodies on this measure and also on other crimes being committed against the Muslim regional countries, including Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, Afghanistan and Iraq.

All those crimes led and supported by the arrogance are aimed at weakening Islamic countries in the region, the official stressed.

According to remarks made by officials in the US, some Western states and certain reactionary countries in the region, they were those who created Daesh (ISIS) in the region, he underlined.

At the end, Velayati called for unity among Muslims to stand against such inhuman measures.


Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA