Foreign Affairs

States responsible to stand against lawlessness, riots: Iran FM spox.

Tehran, IRNA – Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani has explained that effective and preventive measures in the face of any kind of lawlessness, riots, and promotion of unrest in the society are among the obvious responsibilities of the governments.

On Friday, Kanaani slammed the recent meddling stances of certain Western countries in Iran’s internal affairs, mentioning that in the same way the “enforcement of the law” and “the establishment of public security” are among the duties of the governments, the effective and preventive confrontation in dealing with any sort of lawlessness, creation of riots and promotion of insecurity in the society are among the necessary and obvious responsibilities of the governments, including the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The Islamic Republic acts in line with its domestic laws aimed at preserving people’s rights and preventing wrongdoings, he said, adding that the governments, who resort to violence in dealing with peaceful demands of their own countries and order harsh suppression of the protestors, are not in a position to comment on Iran’s measures to enforce laws and fight violence.

It is regrettable that such countries, which adopted hypocritical political stances in dealing with the recent developments in Iran, resort to the motto of supporting human rights or women’s rights in order to promote violence against the territorial integrity and national security of the Islamic country, he censured.

Referring to the fact that many European states supported the cruel and illegal sanctions imposed by the United States against the Iranian people and violated the rights of the Iranians as a result of the embargo, he said that these countries are not in a position to criticize the Islamic Republic of Iran in terms of the rights of the Iranian nation.

The Islamic Republic recognizes the legal rights of its own citizens regarding criticism and peaceful protest, while it sees providing public security as one of its main responsibilities, he said, warning that the public opinion in Iran will not forget acts done by certain European regimes against the Iranians.


Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA