
Tamkeen Lends Support to over 45,000 Social Security Beneficiaries in H1 2024

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development helped more than 45,000 beneficiaries from the Tamkeen program for social security in the first half of 2024, surpassing the target of 41,000 beneficiaries.

Over 38,000 beneficiaries were helped to find employment and more than 7,000 beneficiaries received support for their economic activities.

Tamkeen is one of the ministry programs that provides a range of services through its partners, such as job and training opportunities, support for productive and entrepreneurial projects, to help improve the living conditions of beneficiaries, and transform them from recipients of support to productive and financially independent individuals.

That is done through three main tracks.

Employment, which focuses on providing job and training opportunities to beneficiaries through the ministry’s partners from various sectors. That is done through registration on the TAQAT platform, which is part of the Human Resources Development Fund (HADAF), or other approved
employment platforms, as well as through job fairs in different regions of the Kingdom.

The economic track provides financial and non-financial support programs and training to help beneficiaries with their entrepreneurial endeavors. It also offers advice and assistance in conducting feasibility studies, through specialists and experts.

The qualification and training track focuses on qualifying and training social security beneficiaries who are capable of working, equipping them with skills necessary to match the labor market demands.

By the end of the first half of 2024, more than 10,813 beneficiaries had been trained through 423 training courses and workshops held at social security offices across the Kingdom.

The ministry also signed 131 strategic partnerships and cooperation agreements, through its offices nationwide, with the aim of helping social security beneficiaries in the labor market. These partnerships included collaborations with training institutes, charitable associations, private secto
r institutions, and government entities.

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development participated on June 27 and 28 in the third edition of the “New Trends in Behavioral Public Policy” conference, held at the London School of Economics and Political Science. The ministry presented a briefing on its pioneering initiatives, ongoing projects, and ambitious plans, focusing on its commitment to enhancing the social welfare system and contributing to boosting qualification, training, and employment rates among social security program beneficiaries.

The ministry also contributed to the success of the 1445 AH Hajj season through implementing the Tamkeen Clinics program, which conducted a comprehensive study of the situation of social security beneficiaries and orphans, to provide them with social, health, and psychological support, as well as help them with employment, qualification, and housing.

The program seeks to transform beneficiaries from recipients of assistance into productive members of soc
iety. Around 950 pilgrims from among social security beneficiaries and orphans participated in the program.

Source: Saudi Press Agency