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Tehran favours strong, united Iraq/ Iran has proved its brotherhood to its neighbours, especially Iraq, in difficult times

Emphasising that the Islamic Republic of Iran favours a strong and united Iraq, the President said, “We hope to see a political opening based on the will and interests of the Iraqi people, with the cooperation and coordination of all major political currents in Iraq”.

Speaking on Thursday during a meeting with Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein, the President referred to the common religious, historical and cultural grounds between the two nations of Iran and Iraq, and said, “Relations between the two countries are beyond normal neighbourly relations and the Islamic Republic of Iran is determined to maximise the development of these brotherly relations”.

The President said that Tehran and Baghdad have common security and interests, adding, “The security and interests of Tehran and Baghdad are intertwined and the enemies can never interfere in this regard”.

Dr Raisi emphasised, “The Islamic Republic of Iran has always emphasised and supports the unity and territorial integrity of all ethnicities and religions in Iraq, which is the basis for maintaining stability”.

The President continued by emphasising that Tehran seriously expects neighbouring countries, especially Iraq, not to allow anything that disrupts the security of the Islamic Republic of Iran, whether in areas controlled by the federal government or in areas controlled by the Kurdistan Region, saying, “The Islamic Republic Iran has proved its brotherhood toward its neighbours in practice and has been a friend in every situation, and therefore we expect the neighbouring countries to be aware of the conspiracies of the enemies”.

The head of the Supreme National Security Council referred to the message of a senior official in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region stating that if it were not for Haj Qasem Soleimani, the Kurdistan Region would not exist, saying that unfortunately, the Region has neglected some things, but the Islamic Republic of Iran is closely watching the Zionist Regime’s actions, and that cooperation with this child-killing regime cannot be hidden, and we will not allow them to endanger the security of the region through any country, including Iraq.

Pointing out that ISIL was created by the United States and Israel and is acting on their behalf in Afghanistan today, Ayatollah Raisi said that the Islamic Republic has proved its friendship with neighbouring countries in practice and has hosted Afghan refugees and migrants for decades, and they enjoy the advantages of living in Iran lie and Iranian citizen.

He also quoted some heads of state as saying that Iran came to the aid of those countries when others had left them, stressing that the security of Iraq must be provided by the Iraqis themselves and that the presence of outsiders in Iraq does not provide security.

During the meeting, the President also called for the faster implementation of the Shalamcheh-Basra railway, as well as facilitating the travel of Iranian pilgrims and honouring them, describing it as in line with the economic and social interests of the two nations.

During the meeting, Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein stressed Iraq’s commitment to strengthening the level of cooperation and coordination between the two countries in various bilateral, regional and international stages, saying, “Iraq considers itself not only a neighbour but also an ally and friend of the Islamic Republic of Iran”.

The Iraqi Foreign Minister stated, “Iraq will never be a base for acting against the security of Iran and we are ready for extensive cooperation, including in the field of security, to prevent any threat to the interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran”.

Source: Presidency of Islamic Republic of Iran