
The Int’l Coalition: ISIS Terrorist Attacks In Iraq And Syria Declined … The Last Ramadan The Quietest In Years

The International Coalition against the terrorist organization “ISIS” announced a decline in the organization’s attacks in Iraq and Syria during the first months of the year 2023.

The commander of the international coalition, General Matthew MacFarlane, said in a press conference: Since the beginning of the year in Iraq, until the first week of April, we recorded a decrease of 68% in the number of attacks, compared to the same period in the previous year.

He added: We recorded a decline of 55% during the same period, and the attacks were relatively limited, launched by one or a few individuals.

He explained: ISIS did not succeed in organizing or coordinating anything on a broader level during the current year.

He stated that the month of Ramadan was one of the quietest in years. Pointing to an 80% decrease in attacks in Iraq compared to last year, and a 37% decrease in Syria.

He pointed out: The Syrian Democratic Forces, which run Al-Hol camp in Syria, which includes about 50,000 people from the organization’s families, have deported more than 1,300 nationals of other countries since the beginning of the year 2023.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency