
The Minister of Interior chairs an expanded conference with a number of commanders and officers

Today, Saturday, the Minister of Interior, Abdul Amir Al-Shammari, chaired an expanded conference with a number of leaders and officers.

The Ministry of Interior said in a statement: ‘The Minister of Interior chaired, at the headquarters of the Ministry’s Agency for Police Affairs, an expanded conference in the presence of a number of advisors and general directors.’

It added, “During this conference, the mechanism for reforming police stations and developing work in them from both the technical and administrative aspects was discussed, with the aim of starting to implement the regional security system that the Ministry of Interior intends to implement.”

It continued, “The attendees discussed all aspects related to strengthening the intelligence and security effort and providing services to citizens in conjunction with this step, which will have a clear impact on the Iraqi street in implementing the regional security system.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency