
The National Security Chancellory Organizes A Workshop On Recruiting Women Into Terrorist Organizations

The National Security chancellory / Al-Nahrain Center for Strategic Studies, in cooperation with the European Advisory Mission, organized today, Wednesday, a workshop on recruiting women into terrorist organizations, in the presence of the head of the European Union Advisory Mission in Iraq, Anders Weberk.

National Security Advisor Qasim Al-Araji stressed, at the beginning of the workshop, the importance of policies and programs that support the societal, economic and educational reality of women and guarantee their legal and family rights, in a way that supports the immunity of this important segment of society against recruitment processes.

Al-Araji added that the terrorist organization, according to its distorted beliefs, focuses on some elements of attraction in fragile societies that lag behind in its development and awareness programs towards women and their rights, indicating that the root of the problem is in thought, stressing the need for moderate discourse and starting reform from the family.

The workshop witnessed the presentation of a group of studies and research from experts from the European Advisory Mission and the National Committee to Combat Extremism in Iraq, which emphasized in its recommendations the necessity of developing policies, programs and initiatives that promote the idea of moderation in general society and among women in particular, which contributes to raising the level of awareness in their dealings within the family environment and the work environment and their qualification to enhance personal and general knowledge about their rights and their status in society.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency