
The Popular Mobilization Commission announces its readiness to provide medical and humanitarian aid to Lebanon

The Popular Mobilization Commission announced today, Monday, its readiness to provide medical and humanitarian relief to Lebanon.

The head of the Popular Mobilization Commission, Faleh Al-Fayyadh, said in a statement, “We received with great interest the statement of the Supreme Religious Authority, Ali Al-Sistani, regarding the brutal Zionist attacks on the Lebanese Republic, which targeted heroic resistance fighters and innocent, defenseless civilians, and are still continuing their brutal raids on populated areas.”

He added: “While we affirm our full solidarity with our brothers in Lebanon in the face of Zionist arrogance and the daily killing machine that moves between Palestine, Lebanon and Syria, we declare our full readiness and full mobilization to provide all possible types of relief, medical and humanitarian assistance to our brothers in Lebanon in response to the call of the Supreme Religious Authority and based on the humanitarian, brotherly and religious duty.”

The Commission called on all brothers to provide assistance and humanitarian support to the brothers there in coordination with the Iraqi government and official bodies, so that “we may be true to the noble hadith: ‘The believers in their mutual love, mercy and compassion are like one body. If one part of it is ill, the rest of the body responds to it with wakefulness and fever.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency