Foreign Affairs

The Russian Foreign Ministry Calls For Focusing The Efforts Of The Whole World On The Palestinian-Israeli Settlement

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Vershinin told a TASS correspondent that all efforts of the international community must be directed and focused on settling the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Commenting on US President Joe Biden’s words that the United States will ensure that Israel has everything it needs to respond to the Hamas attack, he added: “I believe that all the efforts of the international community now must aim to achieve a ceasefire, calm the situation, and move forward to find reliable solutions to the situation that would provide a long-term settlement.”

Vershinin continued: “The long-term settlement has a serious international legal basis, and we are committed to it.”

Last Saturday, Hamas launched Operation “Tawafan Al-Aqsa,” during which thousands of rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip, and specific operations were carried out, including storming several settlements on the Gaza Strip, and street war clashes took place between Palestinian fighters and Israeli forces, which responded by launching Operation “Iron Swords” and launched violent air strikes on the Gaza Strip.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency