Foreign Affairs

The UAE affirms its keenness to strengthen cooperation with Iraq in the judicial and constitutional fields

The United Arab Emirates expressed its keenness to strengthen cooperation with Iraq in the judicial and constitutional fields.

A statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the Iraqi Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, Muzaffar Mustafa Al-Jubouri, met today, Wednesday, with the President of the Federal Supreme Court in the Emirates, Muhammad Hamad Al-Badi, in the court building in Abu Dhabi.

During the meeting, according to the statement, a message from Judge Jassim Muhammad Abboud, President of the Iraqi Federal Supreme Court, was delivered to Muhammad Hamad Al-Badi, regarding exchanging judicial and constitutional expertise and laying the foundations for joint cooperation by concluding a memorandum of understanding between the two courts.

For his part, Al-Badi expressed his welcome to the initiative presented by the Iraqi Federal Supreme Court, stressing his country’s government’s keenness to strengthen cooperation with Iraq in the judicial and constitutional fields.

Source: National I
raqi News Agency