
Today’s newspapers follow PM’s Participation in the Future Summit…and the Issue of Deviant Movements and Their Dangers

Today, Monday, September 23, the newspapers issued in Baghdad followed the participation of Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani in the Future Summit in New York, and the issue of deviant movements and their dangers.. and other various issues.

Regarding the Prime Minister’s participation in the Future Summit, Al-Zawraa newspaper, issued by the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate, focused on Al-Sudani’s confirmation of Iraq’s commitment to supporting the multilateral system in addressing global challenges, and the government’s support for investments aimed at diversifying the economy away from oil.

It referred to Al-Sudani’s statement in a speech at the summit: “We are working to enhance economic reform, improve the conditions of the most vulnerable groups, and we have adopted a strategy that elevates vulnerable groups in terms of social justice, and builds human resource capacities through developing education and health, and caring for youth and women.”

The Prime Minister added: “We are committed to establishi
ng the concepts of climate justice, especially in combating drought and desertification and ensuring the sustainability of water resources and food security,” noting: “Confronting climate challenges requires effective international cooperation within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention and the Paris Agreement.”

Al-Zawraa quoted him as saying: “Sustainable development requires ambitious investments, and we are keen to provide incentives to the private sector, invest in renewable energy projects, and strengthen our international relations on the basis of mutual respect and common interests, and adhere to the principle of not allowing the use of our lands to attack other countries. We support all efforts to promote human rights and involve civil society organizations in achieving development goals.” Al-Sudani continued: “We seek to enhance international cooperation in the field of technology transfer and capacity building, while supporting Iraqi inventors in every forum, and we encourage sc
ientific research in clean technologies for oil and gas, and we work to enhance technical education to provide young people with the skills required for the modern labor market.”

Al-Sabah newspaper, published by the Iraqi Media Network, said: “What is striking about Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani’s speech at the Future Summit in New York yesterday is that it was brief and condensed, despite the fact that it included all the points that formed the government program that al-Sudani took upon himself to achieve since assuming the premiership.”

It added: “The Prime Minister preferred to make his speech in the form of brief telegram sentences in order to be able to cover the entire scene of the government’s effort, but we know that every sentence in his speech contains a comprehensive and broad project that requires a lot of effort, time and money, as a title such as “strengthening economic reform” or “improving the conditions of the most vulnerable groups” is not just a banner raised in an international
forum to improve Iraq’s image, but rather a major work project, and it is the other name for the entire government program, and other indispensable sub-titles fall under it, such as supporting investment, diversifying sources of income, providing incentives for the private sector and innovating new ways for a strong, sustainable economy.”

It continued: “The political aspect also had its presence in the Prime Minister’s speech, and came to confirm the active role that Iraq wants to play as a point of convergence and dialogue and a factor of stability in its region and the world, while emphasizing national and humanitarian constants, as the speech condemned the Zionist aggression on Palestine and Lebanon and called for stopping it as a prelude to ensuring the security and stability that have been absent from our region for a long time.”

As for Al-Zaman newspaper, it was interested in the subject of deviant movements and their danger to Iraqi society.

In this regard, it pointed out that the Directorate of Tri
bal Affairs in Diyala Governorate launched the first program in Iraq on deviant movements.

The Director of Tribal Affairs in Diyala, Brigadier General Ali Mahmoud Al-Rubaie, said in a statement to the newspaper: “The directorate launched a program that is the first of its kind in Iraq that includes several items and paragraphs in which tribal elites from sheikhs and dignitaries participate, on ways to pay attention to the danger of deviant movements that are trying to throw young people into labyrinths through deviant ideas in multiple directions.”

Al-Rubaie added: “The program shed light on al-Qurban movement and others and ways to pay attention to the danger of ideas that lead to tragic endings,” stressing: “These movements carry three direct dangers in their paths, the most prominent of which is creating chaos and confusion and offending moderate teachings.” He pointed out: “The tribal elites of Diyala are trying, through their program, to educate society about the need to pay attention to the danger of
any movement or group that carries extremist ideas and its impact on several segments.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency