
Two Indonesian Pilgrims Say Hajj Among the Greatest Rites, Spirituality Overwhelms Us to See the Holy Sites

Surabaya, Two Indonesian pilgrims chose to start their married life by performing the Hajj. Joy, anticipation, and tears of happiness were evident on their faces as they recited prayers, raising their hands in the Surabaya International Airport terminal while waiting for their flight to Jeddah.

The Saudi Press Agency (SPA) met with the pilgrims, Muhammad Shafi’i and Rafah Nuri, who said, ‘We are very excited about the Hajj and the immense spirituality that overwhelms us at the thought of seeing the holy sites and visiting the Prophet’s Mosque.’

‘We cannot describe it. Hajj is one of the greatest duties for Muslims who are physically and financially able to perform it. We decided to save the costs of a wedding celebration and instead perform Hajj. It is an opportunity to start a new life based on faith and piety, filled with goodness, sharing prayers, supplications, and memories in the holy places,’ they said.

They praised the facilities provided by the Kingdom through the Makkah Route Initiative, which all
owed them to complete all the requirements in record time.

‘We started by completing the procedures and campaign requirements and taking religious lessons in the mosque on how to perform the Hajj rituals,” they said, expressing their gratitude to the Saudi government for its care and dedication in serving the guests of Allah and facilitating their pilgrimage.

Source: Saudi Press Agency