
Ummah unity only way to counter anti Islam conspiracies

Islamabad, IRNA — Secretary-General of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought and Pakistani religious leaders strongly believe that unity among Muslims is the only way to counter western conspiracies against Islam.

They were speaking at the Islamic Unity Conference organized by the National Solidarity Council of Pakistan, an alliance of thirty religious groups from different Islamic schools of thought at a local hotel on Monday.

Secretary General of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought Hojjatoleslam Hamid Shahriari was chief guest on the occasion while President of National Solidarity Council Sahibzadah Abul Khair Zubair chaired the conference.

Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Pakistan Seyed Mohammad Ali Hosseini, Iranian Culture Counselor Ehsan Khazaei, Member of Iranian Assembly of Experts Molavi Nazir Ahmad Salami and Faramarz Rahmanzad, director of Iranian Culture Center in Rawalpindi were present at the conference.

Pakistani religious leaders and scholars from different schools of thought welcomed the Iranian delegation.

Hojjatoleslam Hamid Shahriari speaking as a chief guest said Muslims should shun their differences because unity is the only key to their success.

He emphasized the main challenge facing Muslims today is distance from each other.

He praised the Pakistan National Solidarity Council’s efforts to hold conference aimed at harmonizing and creating religious affiliations, adding it is very good that we are witnessing the presence of personalities and people from all walks of life in this great conference.

Secretary General of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought pointed out that Muslims will succeed in achieving their destiny and lofty goals by following the teachings of Holy Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (Peace Be Upon Him).

He stated unity is the only weapon that can be used to fight all conspiracies against Islam. He noted if Westerners can have unions like the so-called European Union, why can’t Muslims, when we have strong opportunities to avoid differences.

Emphasizing that the enemies of Islam will fail to carry out their evil plans, Hojjatoleslam Hamid Shahriari said the Islamic Republic of Iran is making continuous efforts to expand and promote unity among Muslims.

Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Pakistan Seyed Mohammad Ali Hosseini also praised the initiative of Pakistani religious leaders in holding a gathering today and effort to promote the message of unity and rapprochement.

Condemning the phenomenon of Islamophobia, he said unity and rapprochement is the main element to save Muslim nations from the conspiracies of enemies, and in this holy assembly, the common message of Islamic religious leaders is to strengthen brotherhood and determination against anti-Islamic plans.

Member of Iranian Assembly of Experts Molavi Nazir Ahmad Salami also expressed satisfaction with the unity among Islamic sects in Pakistan.

He added religious leaders and scholars of the Islamic world have a heavy task to awaken societies against anti-rapprochement movements, but with full compliance to divine commands, the Quran and the teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) are the necessary factors to promote unity, rapprochement of Islamic religions and tolerance.

Liaqat Baloch, Vice President of Jamaat-e-Islami Party and Secretary General of the National Solidarity Council of Pakistan added that the Islamic Republic of Iran is working hard to reflect the true face of Islam in the world.

Secretary General of Majlis Wahdat-e-Muslimeen (MWM) Allama Raja Nasir Abbas Jaffari also warned Muslims against the abuse of their differences by the enemies of Islam.

President of National Solidarity Council Sahibzadah Abul Khair Zubair said Muslims should adopt the principles and rules of their lives according to the life and scriptures of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

He added Muslims should be committed to unity and solidarity among themselves.

He stressed extremists and those who seek divisions have no place between Muslims and the Islamic world.

Praising Imam Khomeini’s prominent role and efforts to establish an Islamic government in Iran, especially the efforts for the unity of Muslims, the Pakistani religious leader said Muslims around the world, especially the people of Pakistan, are proud to follow Imam Khomeini’s guidelines.

A number of speakers also called for the promotion of inter-religious harmony in Pakistan, stressing that Muslims show follow the true spirit of Islam.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA