
University, as gov’t think tank, should use all in its power to promote productivity country

The President described the development and excellence of the country dependent on the all-round role of the institution of science in the country and urged academics to focus their research and research power on increasing productivity in the country.

Speaking at the meeting of university presidents, heads of research institutes and science and technology parks across the country, Ayatollah Dr Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi described science and knowledge as one of the main components of power, and said, “Any country that has achieved higher levels of knowledge in various fields is more powerful and it can play a more serious role in global equations”.

Emphasising the necessity of the development of useful science and its importance in the progress and excellence of the country, the President stated, “We want a university in the Islamic Republic whose fruit and result will be the creation of a scholar, scientist and a monotheist person who can improve both himself and the society”.

Pointing out that until yesterday, the Arrogant way of thinking sought to plunder the land and resources of other nations, and today it seeks to encroach on the human talents and elites of the nations, he clarified, “The first responsibility of our universities is to try to improve the scientific environment and provide a field for innovation”.

Ayatollah Raisi described production of science as the responsibility of universities and scientific and research centres of the country, and noted, “The most effective way to appreciate scientists and creators of new sciences and knowledge is to create a platform for the implementation of their findings”.

Scientific and research effort to increase the productivity of the science institution in the country is an important task

The President stressed to the Minister of Science, Research and Technology to do his best in solving the livelihood and daily concerns of professors and scientists, and said, “Paying attention to the scientist and solving their concerns are prerequisite to attention to scientific growth and progress”.

The President further described the scientific and research effort to increase productivity in the country as another important task of the institution of science in the country, and stated, “Increasing investment and improving productivity are two basic requirements for the country’s growth”.

Establishing communication between the university, industry and market provides the basis for the growth and flourishing of talents and the production of science

Ayatollah Raisi added, “University Presidents and the Minister of Science should do their best so that we can improve the atmosphere for training efficient human resources”.

The President called the creation of a systematic connection between the university and various fields, including industry and the market, as one of the country’s priorities, and stated, “Try to establish the connection between the university and various fields in order to solve the main problems of the country with the help of science and knowledge originating from the universities. Establishing communication between the university, industry and market provides the basis for the growth and flourishing of talents and the production of science”.

Referring to the country’s great progress in the field of military and nuclear industries, the President added, “In recent years, the most sanctions and restrictions have been imposed on the military and nuclear industries of our country, but the greatest scientific progress of the country is also in these two fields”.

Improving the scientific atmosphere of universities as a think tank requires transformational people

Ayatollah Raisi further mentioned skill enhancement as the other mission of universities and scientific research institutes, and added, “Skill training in universities can make universities more active and powerful in the field of wealth production”.

The President described it very important to pay attention to ethics and spirituality along with science and skill training in universities, and stated, “The promotion of the scientific atmosphere of universities as a think tank that should make the government’s movement technological and knowledge-based requires people who are transformational”.

I am sorry that the internal capacities were not used properly

Before the speech at this summit, the President had another meeting with the professors and technologists of Amirkabir University of Technology, which was held on the sidelines of this summit, and stated, “The most important task of the universities is to attach science and knowledge to ability in different fields”.

Dr Raisi stated that the successful addition of knowledge to ability leads to the real, stable and balanced progress of the country, and added, “As the head of the government, I have emphasised to all academic and scientific officials of the government that universities should be the think tank of the government because the improvement of productivity in the country and improving processes depends on doing things based on science”.

The President further mentioned his short visit to the exhibition of aerospace achievements of Amirkabir University, and stated, “With the explanations given by the participants of this exhibition during this visit, felt very sorry that these efforts were not supported enough to become a product. It is a pity that such abilities exist in the country but are not used properly”.

The President emphasised, “The government has the duty to pay attention to and take advantage of domestic capabilities and support those who work hard in this field, and that the Popular Administration has deep faith in domestic capacities and talents and will do all it can to support the transformation of these capabilities into products”.

Emphasising the need to diligently and continuously pursue the production of passenger aircraft using internal power

The President visited the exhibition of Amirkabir University’s aerospace achievements upon his arrival at the university.

In this visit, the President emphasised the need to diligently and continuously pursue the construction of passenger aircraft using internal capacities, talents and power and new technologies, and said, “The incomplete actions of the past should not cause discouragement and create interruptions in this advanced industry and the waste of scientific and technical abilities available in the country in the aircraft manufacturing sector”.

Source: Presidency of Islamic Republic of Iran