
US fans flames of war by increasing arms sales

Tehran, IRNA – The United States arms sales has reached approximately $50 billion during Fiscal Year 2022, compared to nearly $35 billion last year, Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) chief said in a report on Tuesday.

The $50 billion figure includes foreign military sales, foreign military financing and other government arms trade authorities, the report said, according to Sputnik.

The sale of expensive F-35 fighter jets contributed significantly to the sum, James Hursch also said in the report.

Hursch added that a continuing increase in arms sales is expected over the next three years or so.

A number of factors, including increased demand in Europe stemming from the conflict in Ukraine and in the Indo-Pacific amid strategic competition with China and the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has allowed US officials to regularly negotiate more deals in person, has caused the sales to increase, as said by Hursch.

However, the sales amount cleared by DSCA and the State Department do not always indicate the end values of deals finalized between a country and a defense contractor, Hursch noted.

Moreover, the State Department sometimes approves arms sales not formally requested by a country to expedite potential future sales, Hursch added.



Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA