
Washington meeting, America’s humiliation at its best

Tehran, IRNA – A famous Arabic proverb says that a person who is being drowned struggles to hold on to anything to remain afloat.

A recent move by some American officials to support Maryam Rajavi, a notorious terrorist and the female leader of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) and to introduce her as the president of Iran is well reflective of this Arabic proverb.

The US has clearly failed in its attempts bring about regime change in Iran or to overthrow the Islamic Revolution and now it desperately resorting to measures that would bring nothing but shame and infamy to Washington.

Mike Pompeo, a former secretary of state during the Trump administration and a spy agent who once led the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) knows Rajavi well.

It is unlikely that the group of 250 American senators who failed to denounce terrorist schemes by leaders of the MKO at a recent anti-Iranian meeting held in Washington were not aware of the history of the terrorist group.

In the year following March 31, 1983 the MKO officially claimed responsibility for the assassination of 4,583 innocent citizens in Iran.

Rajavi, who has been designated as president of Iran after a series of moves by the US to interfere in Iran’s internal affairs, has had an active role in assassinating senior Iranian officials including the president, the prime minister, the chief of the judiciary, representatives of the Iranian parliament and many other officials and ordinary citizens.

The US government, which recently supported and led a move to remove Iran from a United Nations committee on the rights of women, now harbors elements who support Rajavi, a person who was arrested some 20 years ago in Paris after she fled Baghdad with tens of millions of dollars in banknotes that had been stolen from Iraqi banks.

Massoud Khodabandeh, a former member of the MKO, has exposed the deep roots of financial corruption in the group in his memoir titled “Tehran to Tirana”.

The US and the West, who claim they fight money laundering, know very well that members of the MKO, including Rajavi, have been boosting the financial resources of the organization through illegal channels for years, including by receiving funds in suitcases and sometimes in truckloads from the former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and from leaders of Saudi Arabia and some Western countries.

Washington knows well that after Rajavi’s arrest in Paris in 2003, an investigation was launched into the financial resources of the MKO although the group had to spend huge sums to dodge the investigations.

Two years ago, two citizens of the Zionist regime of Israel were arrested on the Italian border while carrying a significant amount of banknotes. It was later revealed that the pair were hired by the MKO to spend these money in illegal businesses.

Members of the MKO are still engaged in drug and human trafficking in Albania, a country with widespread systematic corruption, to generate new funds for the group. In fact, a bulk of the weapons that are illegally delivered to terrorist groups including ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan are supplied from Albania and notorious arms smuggling gangs like the MKO are participating in the transfer and sales of these weapons.

The group bought lands around Albanian capital Tirana through one of the most famous Albanian arms smuggling gangs. That comes as no permit has been issued for building on those lands and the group has failed to pay any tax for transporting construction materials to the site form Italy.

The anti-Iranian meeting in Washington was the US humiliation at its best, and if we fail to view White House’s support for the infamous MKO as another sign of American decline, then we have been deeply mistaken.

It is obvious that holding a meeting with the participation of notorious terrorists is another sign of US clear interference in Iran’s internal affairs and is a blatant violation of the rights of the Iranian people.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA