
West continues to intensify artificial crisis in Ukraine

Tehran, IRNA – Speculations on the tensions between Russia and Ukraine have increased, while the West is insisting on its stance and there is no sign of efforts of US and allies for de-escalation.

The US and allies have been trying to convince the global community that Russia was preparing to invade Ukraine and the West has clearly tried to intensify tensions around the Ukraine crisis. The US and its allies have asked their citizens to leave Ukraine.

Russia’s ties with the US and the West were strained after the 2014 annexation of Crimean Peninsula by the Russian Federation. The US and European countries have since imposed many sanctions on Russia for the alleged interventions in internal affairs of Ukraine.

Some experts say that Washington and its allies in Europe want to deal a blow to Russia and are seeking to do this under the pretext of a Russian invasion of Ukraine. That’s why they have been trying to exaggerate Russia’s military presence near the Ukrainian border.

Discussions and consultations between world leaders on the issues have been intensified in recent days. Amid his trip to Australia, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken spoke with his Ukrainian counterpart on the phone to ensure US support from Kyiv against increasing Russian aggression threat.

He also said while visiting Fiji that the US and its allies will impose economic sanctions against Russia in case of an invasion.

The White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said that the situation is in a stage “when an invasion could begin at any time should [Russian President] Vladimir Putin decide to order it” and it “could come before the end of the Winter Olympic Games in Beijing next week”.

US President Joe Biden held a closed meeting with trans-Atlantic leaders, where, according to a White House statement, they agreed on the importance of coordinated attempts to prevent an aggression against Ukraine, including preparation to impose big consequences and economic impacts and continuation of strengthening NATO’s east wing.

Biden also talked to Putin on phone on Saturday and said that the US and its Allies and partners will respond decisively and impose swift and severe costs on Russia if it undertakes an invasion of Ukraine.

European leaders, including German chancellor and French president, echoed similar warnings to Moscow, threatening to impose swift and severe sanctions.

Meanwhile, Ukraine has given a 48-hour ultimatum to Russia to explain it military buildup near the Ukrainian borders. However, the UK defense secretary Ben Wallace clearly stated that his Russian counterpart has assured him in a meeting on Saturday that Moscow has no intention to invade Ukraine.

The Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu called on the Western countries in meeting with Wallace to play a role in easing tensions and stop delivering arms to Ukraine.

Sergey Lavrov, Russia’s minister of foreign affairs, said in his joint press conference with the UK counterpart that the West uses Ukraine as a tool and never cares about what impact such hysteria has on Ukraine’s economy.

Russia’s Putin sent a message to his foreign ministry on Friday, urging the necessity of receiving security assurances from the NATO.

Despite intensive diplomatic efforts, including high-profile meetings and conversation like vis-à-vis meeting between France’s Emanuel Macron and Putin, the meetings have had no significant result.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA