
West dominance to end sooner or later: Iran official

Tehran, IRNA – The way that certain Western rulers attempt to pursue their dominance and expansionist policies around the globe will come to an end sooner or later and they are now annoyed with the fast spread of Islam even in the Western societies, an Iranian official believes.

Ali-Akbar Velayati, a member of the Expediency Council of the Islamic Republic of Iran, wrote in a memo that the root cause of the Western leaders’ annoyance with the Muslim communities is that Islam has the fastest growth in all societies, in particular in the West.

Olof Palme

Former Prime Minister of Sweden Olof Palme was an important figure in Europe, who ruled out the US’ hegemony, refused to turn Sweden into a member state of NATO, assisted anti-apartheid forces in South Africa and stood against the US’ aggression in Vietnam. He was assassinated in 1986.

Capitalism could not force him to follow the system; so, he was removed from power physically. The Americans did not only eradicate the politician, but also got in the way of electing a reliable prime minister in Sweden for about one decade.

Dag Hammarskjöld

Former Secretary-General of the United Nations and a Swedish economist Dag Hammarskjöld won the Nobel Peace Prize due to his efforts to resolve various global crises. Some observers are of the opinion that his death in a plane crash in September 1961 was possibly a plot hatched by the Western colonialists, because he defended Egypt, when it came to military attack by Britain, France and the Zionist regime during the dispute over nationalization of the Suez Canal in 1956.

Anna Lindh

Former Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden Anna Lindh was an anti-Zionism and freedom-seeking politician, who named former US President George W. Bush as a “lone ranger” for going to war with Iraq in 2003. On September 10, 2003 while shopping in a department store in central Stockholm for a televised debate later that night on the referendum about Sweden’s adoption of the euro, Lindh was stabbed in the chest and lost her life at hospital within a few hours.


The Vikings were raiders, pirates, traders, explorers, and colonizers during the 9th to 11th century, who wreaked havoc, wherever they arrived. There are numerous historical references, which show their acts around the world.

Today’s Sweden

It seems that the US conducted in the way that the new generations of the Swedish people were grown in cowboy regions of the western USA. Some of the Swedish people have desecrated the holy Quran; although the Swedish population does not accept such sacrilege to other religions’ sanctities. However, the European country turned into a state that follows up the United States and justifies inhuman and counter-spiritual acts under the pretext of human rights and freedom of speech.

But they are so afraid of the Zionist regime that they are not brave enough to criticize the Zionists and their historical crimes in Europe. They even stand against any question on the number of Jews who were killed by the Hitler regime; so, they impose censorship on scientific works of prominent French author Roger Garaudy.


The Europeans converted to the Christianity under the rule of former Roman emperor Constantine in the fourth century; then, they initiated brutal wars against Islamic countries and the Carthaginian Empire in today ‘s Tunisia. Muslims, who played a key role in upgrading the Europeans’ culture and civilization, were subjected to inhuman crimes.

Slavery in West

When I served as a foreign minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran, I traveled to Ghana, where I witnessed the remnants of crimes committed by Portuguese colonialists, who had been hunting black people. The Western colonial powers used to enslave African people for centuries, but they were pushed back by the pressure of people from Asia, Africa and Latin America. The basic rights of the black people are being neglected in the US and Europe.

Undoubtedly, the expansionist and hegemonic method of certain Western rulers will come to an end sooner or later and at the present time, they are angry to witness that Islam is spreading in all societies especially in the Western ones.

Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA