
What Sparked Deadly Border Clashes Between Iran and Afghanistan?

Competition over water. That’s what’s fueling tensions between neighbors Iran and Afghanistan, where recent skirmishes along their border left three soldiers dead. The clashes broke out last week, over water rights from the Helmand River a major source of water for both countries. The two signed a water treaty in 1973 but Tehran accuses the Taliban of violating the deal. Iran’s President Raisi called on Afghanistan to honor its water rights, warning that the Taliban should take his words “seriously”. The fighting broke out along Afghanistan’s southwestern border, where the Helmand river flows into eastern Iran. Taliban officials announced that it will continue the construction and rebuilding of dams on the Helmand River. They will also continue with a new dam in neighboring Farah province with the help of Turkish and German companies. Iran has opposed these hydroelectric projects, saying they impact water flows into Sistan-Baluchistan province, the country’s most drought-stricken area. Although calm has returned to their border, both sides are still without a lasting agreement on how to properly allocate water supplies. Guests: Hashmat Sadat Water Resource Specialist Sara Bazoobandi Research Fellow at GIGA
