
Why do Republicans oppose returning to JCPOA?

Tehran, IRNA – More than 11 months after Joe Biden’s takeover as President of the United States, his administration is still lingering the return to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal under the pressure of Republican politicians.

Former US President Donald Trump, who took power thanks to all-out support by the Zionist lobby, withdrew from the nuclear agreement, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), in May 2018 and re-imposed the harshest sanctions on the Iranian nation. This move was backed by Republicans, who attempted to fan the flame of hostility with Iran in order to guarantee interests of military and industrial complexes.

Despite the fact that the so-called maximum pressure on Iranians has yielded no fruit and the Biden administration plans to come back to the nuclear agreement, The Republicans try hard to impede the path towards reviving the JCPOA in a bid to reach their own goals:

1- To propagate Trump’s decision on JCPOA
In February 2021, American senators sent a letter to President Biden to ask him to support long-term US policy towards Iran, describing the Islamic Republic as a challenge in the Middle East. They referred to “maximum pressure” campaign as a leverage to put pressure on Iran to accept what they claim is a better accord.

2- To demonize revival of JCPOA
The US Republicans also seek to make American politicians concerned about the aftermaths of returning to the nuclear deal. The Republicans are well aware that the Islamic Republic does not trust them because of their hostile policies towards Iranians.

3- To prevent Biden from using JCPOA as a trump card for the next election
Domestic politics and taking over the White House following the next presidential election is an important partisan issue in the US political atmosphere, so none of the Democratic and Republican parties will stop seeing the nuclear deal as a bargaining chip for the midterm elections 2022 and presidential elections 2024.

4- To portray Biden a lame duck president
The Republicans are also after showing Biden as a lame duck president, whose executive orders are not binding for the Congress. Moreover, they want to send a message to Iran that Biden’s decision on lifting sanctions should be ratified by the Congress; otherwise, they can re-impose all sanctions.

5- To attach importance to Zionists’ demands
Members of the Republican Party try to upgrade their influence in the US foreign policy based on lobbying, which has its roots in supports for their partners in Arab littoral states of the Persian Gulf as well as Zionist regime.

6- To empower Congress when it comes to anti-Iran sanctions
Congressman Jim Banks has warned that the Congress has the last say when it comes to the time and method of lifting of anti-Iran sanctions, adding that Biden’s vain commitment on the revival of the JCPOA is not justifiable.

However, the Democrats are of the opinion that the maximum pressure campaign is a failed policy, claiming that United States’ withdrawal from the nuclear deal provided Iran the opportunity to come closer to the required capacity to develop nukes.



Source: Islamic Republic News Agency – IRNA